By Imran Firasat
It´s been 7 years that I try to help the Muslims by making them realize the fact of false prophecy claims of Muhammad and violent ideology of a religion which was never truly existed. But the journey of those 7 years was full of obstacles and fire surrounding me. Let me have the opportunity to share my views with you on my long war against Islam.
Before I used to think that the enemy of the western world are those who follow the violent scripture (Quran) falsely created by Muhammad, but by the time I came to knew that the real enemy of the western and peaceful world are not those blind faith Muslims but indeed are those people who proudly call themselves westerners, but behind the scene help and favour to the Muslims by ignoring the truth.
The enemies of our civilest society are not the Muslims. The enemies are the Non-Muslims who tolerate and even support the Islam instead of fighting it, who prevent to the people like us from fighting against the lie of Islam. These enemies are everywhere in the Western world, in the governments, in the jurisdiction, in the police organization and especially in the mass media. These enemies care for their diplomatic and economic relations with the Muslims states more than the future and safety of our future generations.
We Non-Muslims who have understood the truth and try to fight the evil ideology of Islam are often beaten by political correctness, called Nazis racists and Anti Islamists, encounter repressions at the work place and social life, ostracized by families and friends, being watched regularly by national secret services and treated like criminals.
Why? Just because we fight against something which is not true and dangerous for the future of our modern society? Is it so serious offence to help the billion of people to come out of a fake and extremely nonsense faith? Is it a crime to stop a religion which orders to kill, hate and discriminate in the name of god? Is it a crime against humanity if we fight for our rights of liberty of expression and saving our western values?
No, these all facts are not crime, but still we are being treated worst than the Islamic jihadists are being treated. Instead of getting praised for our fight against injustice, we face a daily depression. Instead of putting our lives on the risk by opposing the Islam, we never get respected as we deserve. Instead of the fact that we are trying to change the world towards a better direction, we always get created the obstacles by our own non Muslim people who call themselves western and modern but under the table shake their hands with those Muslims leaders who follow Muhammad and work for fulfilling his cunning desires.
At last as the conclusion I would like to say that all my fellow bloggers and activists who do a great job of exposing a false prophet and helping the world to understand the truth, are extra ordinary brave people who would be remembered in the future as historical heroes. I give my full support to them and give them my word that no matter what happens I will never give up until this world becomes free of Islam (Hopefully in my life). And I want all of you to take the same oath and promise me to create an unbreakable unity between us which can never be broken by the diplomatic or political oppression. We are a family which will fight together against the devil of Islam. Thank you very much.
Your sincerely
A proud Anti Islam Activist
A collection of great writings from our Infidel and Apostate friends. Read my newspaper, The Pulp Ark Journal, and my magazine The Pulp Ark Gazette. Come check some nice books from my Scribd library.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Why Muslims Must Hate Jews
By Nonie Darwish
Recently, a Pakistani religious leader, Pirzada Muhammad Raza Saqib Mustafai, said: "When the Jews are wiped out ... the sun of peace [will] begin to rise on the entire world." The same preaching is routinely done not only by clerics, but by politicians -- in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and elsewhere. This is not just Ahmedinijad; it is at the heart of Islamic theology that world peace will be established only when all the Jews are wiped from the earth. But few people in Western media are alarmed by this kind of rhetoric or care to expose this dreadful dark side of Islam's obsession with Jew-hatred.
I do not believe that one has to be an authority on human behavior or group thinking to find out the obvious pathology in Islamic Jew-hatred. It is time for all of us to uncover and expose this atrocity against the Jewish people. We owe that to humanity and the truth.
No true Muslim can see that such hatred is unbecoming and unholy for a world religion to focus on and that the credibility of Islam is tarnished by such hatred. No Muslim is allowed to go far enough to self-analyze or ask why such hatred. Muslims defend Jew-hatred by claiming that Jews betrayed Muhammad and thus deserve of this kind of treatment. Even when I was a Muslim, I believed that the one-sided story against Jews by Islam was enough to justify all the killing, terror, lies, and propaganda by Islamic leaders against Jews. To the average Muslim, routinely cursing Jews in mosques feels normal and even holy!
After a lot of thinking, analysis, research, and writing, I discovered that Jew hatred in Islam is an essential foundation to the Islamic belief system that Muslims cannot seem to be able to rid themselves of. Jew-hatred masks an existential problem in Islam. Islam is terrified of the Jews, and the number-one enemy of Islam is the truth, which must be constantly covered at any cost. It does not matter how many Muslim men, women, and children die in the process of saving Islam's reputation. The number-one duty of Muslims is to protect the reputation of Islam and Mohammad. But why would a religion burden its followers like that? This is why:
When Mohammed embarked on his mission to spread Islam, his objective was to create a uniquely Arabian religion, one created by an Arab prophet, which reflected the Arabian values and culture. Yet to obtain legitimacy, he had to link it to the two previous Abrahamic religions, Judaism and Christianity. He expected the Jewish tribes who lived in Arabia to declare him their Messiah and thereby bring him more legitimacy with Arabs, especially with his own tribe in Mecca, the Quraish. Because his own tribe had rejected and ridiculed him, Mohammed needed the approval of the Jews, whom he called the people of the book. But the conversion of Jews to Islam was part of the scenario that Mohammed had to accomplish in order to prove to Meccans that they had made a mistake by rejecting him.
That was one of the reasons Mohammed chose to migrate to Medina, a town that had predominantly been settled by Jewish tribes and a few impoverished Arabs who lived around the Jews. The Jews allowed Mohammed to move in. At the beginning, the Koran of Mecca was full of appeals to the Jews, who were then described as "guidance and light" (5:44) and a "righteous" people (6:153-154), who "excelled the nations" (45:16). But when the Jews rejected the appeasement and refused to convert to Islam, Mohammed simply and completely flipped. The Quran changed from love to threats and then pure hatred, cursing, and commandments to kill Jews. Rejection by the Jews became an intolerable obsession with Mohammed.
Not only did the Jews reject him, but their prosperity made Mohammed extremely envious. The Jewish Arabian tribes earned their living from legitimate and successful business, but Mohammed earned his living and wealth through warfare -- by attacking Arab tribes, some of whom were from his own tribe -- and trade caravans, seizing their wealth and property. That did not look good for a man who claimed to be a prophet of God. The mere existence of the Jews made Mohammed look bad, which led Mohammed to unspeakable slaughter, beheading of 600 to 900 Jewish men of one tribe, and taking their women and children as slaves. Mohammed had the first pick of the prettiest woman as his sex slave. All of this senseless slaughter of the Jews was elaborately documented in Islamic books on the life of Mohammed -- not as something to be ashamed of, but as justified behavior against evil people.
One does not have to be psychiatrist to see the obvious: that Mohammad was a tormented man after the massacre he orchestrated and forced his fighters to undertake to empower and to enrich himself and his religion. To reduce his torment, he needed everyone around him, as well as future generations, to participate in the genocide against the Jews, the only people whom he could not control. An enormous number of verses in the Koran encouraged Mohammed's fighters to fight, kill, and curse Muslim fighters who wanted to escape fighting and killing Jews. The Quran is full of promises of all kinds of pleasure in heaven to those who followed Mohammed's killing spree and curses and condemnation to those who chose to escape from fighting. Muslims were encouraged to feel no hesitation or guilt for the genocide because it was not they who did it, but rather "Allah's hand."
Mohammed never got over his anger, humiliation, and rejection by "the people of the book" and went to his grave tormented and obsessed that some Jews were still alive. On his deathbed, Mohammed entrusted Muslims to kill Jews wherever they found them, which made this a "holy commandment" that no Muslim can reject. Muslims who wrote sharia understood how Mohammed was extremely sensitive to criticism, and that is why criticizing Mohammed became the highest crime in Islam that will never be forgiven even if the offender repents. Mohammed's message on his deathbed was not for his followers to strive for holiness, peace, goodness, and to treat their neighbors as themselves, but rather a commandment for Muslims to continue the killing and the genocide against the Jews. Killing thus became a holy act of obedience to Mohammed and Allah himself.
Mohammed portrayed himself as a victim of Jews, and Muslims must avenge him until judgment day. With all Arab power, money, and influence around the world today, they still thrive at portraying themselves as victims. Sharia also codified into law the duty of every Muslim to defend Mohammed's honor and Islam with his own blood, and allowed the violation of many commandments if it is for the benefit of defending Islam and Mohammed. Thus, Muslims are carrying a huge burden, a holy burden, to defend Mohammed with their blood, and in doing so they are allowed to kill, lie, cheat, slander, and mislead.
Mohammed must have felt deep and extreme shame after what he had done to the Jews, and thus a very good reason had to be found to explain away his genocide. By commanding Muslims to continue the genocide for him, even after his death, Mohammad expanded the shame to cover all Muslims and Islam itself. All Muslims were commanded to follow Mohammed's example and chase the Jews wherever they went. One hundred years after Mohammed's death, Arabs occupied Jerusalem and built Al Aqsa mosque right on top of the Jewish Temple ruins, the holiest spot of the Jews. Muslims thought they had erased all memory of Jewish existence.
Mohammed's genocide of the Jews of Arabia became an unholy dark mark of shame in Islamic history, and that shame, envy, and anger continues to get the best of Muslims today. In the eyes of Mohammed and Muslims, the mere existence of the Jewish people, let alone an entire Jewish state, delegitimizes Islam and makes Mohammed look more like a mass murderer than like a prophet. For Muslims to make peace with Jews and acknowledge that Jews are humans who deserve the same rights as everyone else would have a devastating effect on how Muslims view their religion, their history, and the actions of their prophet.
Islam has a major existential problem. By no will of their own, the Jews found themselves in the middle of this Islamic dilemma. Islam must justify the genocide that Mohammad waged against the Jews. Mohammad and Muslims had two choices: either the Jews are evil sub-humans, apes, pigs, and enemies of Allah, a common description of Jews still heard regularly in Middle Eastern mosques today, or Mohammad was a genocidal warlord not fit to be a prophet of God -- a choice that would mean the end of Islam.
Then and now, Mohammad and Muslims clearly chose the first worldview and decreed that any hint of the second must be severely punished. Jews must remain eternally evil enemies of Islam if Islam is to remain legitimate. There is no third solution to save the core of Islam from collapsing; either Mohammed was evil, or the Jews were evil. Any attempt to forgive, humanize, or live peacefully with Jews is considered treason against Islam. How can Muslims forgive the Jews and then go back to their mosques, only to read their prophet's words, telling them they must kill Jews wherever they find them? It does not add up, if someone wants to remain Muslim.
That is why the number-one enemy of Islam is, and must remain, the truth. If the truth exposes Islam's unjustified Jew-hatred, Muslims will be left with an empty shell of a religion, a religion whose prophet was a murderer, a thief, and a warlord. Without Jew-hatred, Islam would self-destruct.
Nonie Darwish author is the author of The Devil We Don't Know.
The Noose Around Israel's Neck
By Daniel Greenfield
Israel is being hanged on a public gallows erected on the grounds of the United Nations with yards of rope gleefully supplied by the Muslim world. But the hangmen are mostly Westerners who still think that the Muslim lynch mob at their doorstep can be pacified with the death of a single victim.
There are three things you can do when you are about to be hanged. You can walk proudly, recite a glorious line or two to embed your martyrdom in historical memory, and then allow yourself to be hanged. Jews have an extensive body of experience with that brand of martyrdom.
Alternatively you can plead your case all the way to the gallows, arguing that a mistake has been made, that your case has been improperly reviewed, begging for someone to listen and do something. This way also ends in a hanging. But it's the hanging of a slave without even a shred of dignity attached to it. A man that dies pleading with his murderers, and puts his fate in the honesty of the liars and hypocrites whose own crimes makes the worst of his look like virtues, is a craven fool.
Because there is really only one thing you can do when the noose is being placed around your neck. Resist. A noose works by tightening around your neck and cutting off your air or breaking your neck. If you resist the tightening of the noose, you may actually survive. On the other hand if you follow through all the procedures, if you allow your hands to be tied behind your back, and the noose to be fastened around your neck while trusting in the system to do right by you-- your death is inevitable.
For seventeen years Israel has been walking toward the gallows. Its leaders have led it there by the nose ring of international assurances. Its people have been led there by refusing to see what is waiting ahead for them, even while the blood was being cleaned off the streets. Every attempt to reach a peaceful solution, every concession and show of good faith, has only tightened the bonds around its hands and the noose around its neck.
That is because every concession Israel has made, has further restricted not only its ability to defend itself, but even its ability to do basic things such as build residential housing in the capital of its own nation. Every gesture and agreement Israel has signed has bound it to ever more restrictive terms. And none of them have brought any peace. All they have ever done is set the bar higher for the next round of concessions demanded by the enemy and its aiders and abettors in the next phase of negotiations.
This is not a peace process, and it has never been one. It is a public lynching. It is the lynching of a country whose only real crime is that its existence offends the religious fanaticism and prejudices of a billion Muslims, who control much of the world's oil, and whose followers are willing to riot and kill in the streets of nearly every major city in the world at the slightest offense.
The lynching began as a trial where the murderer wore a fine suit and his victim sat in an orange jumpsuit in the dock. Every day during the trial, the murderer would be allowed to leave the courtroom to kill again. And every afternoon he would return to the courtroom with bloody hands that the judge and jurors would pretend not to see. And if the victim dared to call attention to those bloody hands, he would be silenced and told that those murders too were his fault. Hadn't he after all provoked the murderer into committing them?
Now the trial is coming to a close. The farce that the proceedings ever had anything to do with peace is unraveling. And we can thank Hamas and Obama for that. The endgame is all too clear. The undoing of that "mistake" which allowed the oldest and most persecuted minority in the Middle East to briefly reclaim their homeland from the tyranny of Muslim Caliphs and Sultans. To serve as a homeland for their persecuted brethren from the east and the west. From the south and the north. That mistake.
In a year in which the Iranian regime raped and murdered protesters after a stolen election. In which China and North Korea continue torturing and murdering political dissidents. In which Saudi Arabia and Dubai live off Southeast Asian slave workers. In which Venezuela's Chavez continues shutting down independent media outlets and imprisoning opponents. In which Turkey continues holding thousands of Kurdish political prisoners while occupying Cyprus. In which Russia continues to dismantle democracy and murder journalists. In which Sudan continues perpetuating genocide and the rest of the world nods mournfully but continues on with business as usual. In that year, Israel is the main culprit for such dastardly acts as reportedly assassinating a Hamas terrorist leader in Dubai and intercepting a flotilla providing aid and comfort to Hamas. Every country, including the nations on this list, are rushing forward their condemnations and demands that Israel be held accountable. Accountable for what? For refusing to be lynched.
Every time Israel tries to be accommodating, it instead takes a step closer to the gallows. It allows the noose to be tightened around its neck. And every time that happens, it has to fight harder for air. Eventually if things keep going this way, there will be no air at all. Only a sad forlorn figure swinging in the hot eastern wind from the desert. And cries of Ibtach al Yahood among the rubble of cities and gardens of Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel Aviv and Ariel.
Israel cannot survive by accommodating a lynch mob. Only by having the courage to defy it. When the international community at the behest of the Muslim lynch mob dictates the parameters of Israel's survival, it must expand those parameters by pushing through them to the other side. If they want to recognize terrorists, then we kill those terrorists. If they want to break the Gaza blockade, then we retake Gaza. If they want to unilaterally create a Palestinian state, then we annex those territories. Accommodation is a noose. Defiance is the air of freedom. Every time Israel retreats, it is condemned for it. When it advances, it is condemned for it also, but its freedom of action expands.
The world will always condemn Israel regardless of its intentions. But like any form of namecalling, those condemnations only gain power when Israel allows its actions to be dictated by them. Israel is not condemned because of what Israel does. It is condemned because of a diseased pattern of Islamic bigotry, left wing radicalism and international dhimmism converging in one place. This is a pattern of hate that cannot be undone. It can only be ignored.
When you listen to the threats and taunts of those who hate you, you give them power over yourself. If you try to accommodate your behavior to gain their favor, their outpouring of hate for you will only grow. For it is not your behavior they hate, it is you. By showing weakness, you invite attack. By giving your enemies power over you, all that you accomplish is to drive them into a feeding frenzy at your vulnerability. If you go on this way, you will either be a slave or a corpse. A slave if they have any use for you alive. A corpse if they don't. Either way you have put your head into the noose they made for you.
Israel cannot go on this way. No country could for long. Yet it does, marching on toward the gallows, protesting that there has been a terrible mistake here. But there is no mistake here. None at all. The executioners nod sympathetically and promise to look into it, as they bind his hands behind his back. It's a farce and everyone except the dumbest among the lynch mob, and the condemned knows it.
But like the condemned man refusing a blindfold in the anecdote who's scheduled to be executed, we keep being warned not to make trouble. Go quietly. Breathe deeply. Soon it will all be over. What will the world say, if we resist? Exactly what the world says now. That we're the neighborhood bully. The troublemakers that are the cause of all the troubles of the otherwise peaceful nations of the Middle East. The worm in the lovely healthy apple otherwise covered with Muslim tyrannies.
Every threat that has been made has come about when Israel made concessions, not because it refused to. Every time Israel has chosen the high road, its enemies have ambushed it from the low road. It's past time to wake up and start learning some lessons. The noose is drawn. And the nation is gasping for air. That breath of air was Jerusalem. The next one will be the Galilee. And then what? How many more breaths do we have left before we choke and die?
Before Oslo, Israel was threatened with terror if it did not comply. It complied and the terror increased manifold. And if did not negotiate further, it was threatened with international isolation. It negotiated. It gave. And it was isolated anyway. It was threatened with boycotts, and it gave, and the boycotts came anyway. Now they threaten the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. Followed by a One State Solution. Followed by international intervention. Noose, gallows and all. And does anyone think that all these will not come about anyway, if Israel gives Abbas and his terrorist cronies their own official state with a capital in Jerusalem?
No compromise has worked until now. Which means no compromise will work. A process in which one side repeatedly compromises and the other side repeatedly threatens and takes, is not a process, but a holdup. If a man threatens you with a gun, then you might think that you can buy him off. Until he returns again and again. And then it is no longer a threat, it is a process. Israel is in that process, or rather it is being processed. At the end of the process is death. If you pay attention only to the gun, and not the pattern of threats, you may keep giving in, until you have given up your home, your wife and your children, and you have nothing left but your life. And then you will lose that as well. That is the nature of the process. To survive, you must not see the gun alone, but the process it is part of.
The last month should have been a final education. A grim testament to the fact that even when Israel withdrew from Gaza, allowed Hamas to control it, and did nothing but prevent Hamas from having outside access, the world is howling as if Israel had filled the country with graves from end to end, as Sudan or Iran or some of the other members and former members of the UN Human Rights Commission have. That is not justice. That is a lynch mob. And what does Netanyahu do in response? Like nearly every Israeli government before him, he backs off on the blockade. Because given that tidbit the lynch mob will be appeased. It will, won't it. Won't it?
We are no longer talking about negotiations. Or any serious discussion of a state. We are talking about the world rising up in one voice to defend the rights of a genocidal organization funded by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad whose charter includes the words; "The Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him." The pretense is over and done with. This is not about anything resembling peace. This is about death. This is a lynch mob. Some come willingly. Others think that they have no choice. That a single murder will buy them the tolerance of the Dar Al Islam.
This is what a noose looks like. These are the gallows. As its hands are bound, Israel loses the ability to defend itself. As the noose tightens, Israel dies. Only by resisting the noose, can it survive. Only by fighting to free its hands, can it resist. The way of surrender is the way of death. And after Israel dies, its own hangmen will be next. Because the lynch mob has only begun. Its appetite is whetted by death. Its hunger will only be sharpened by blood, not sated by it. And it will cover the world in blood, if it is not stopped. But now the noose draws tight. Only a little more air is left. What will we do with that air? Appeal for justice, or fight with all our strength to rip the noose away. For now the choice is still ours. When the noose has done it work, it no longer will be.
Recently, a Pakistani religious leader, Pirzada Muhammad Raza Saqib Mustafai, said: "When the Jews are wiped out ... the sun of peace [will] begin to rise on the entire world." The same preaching is routinely done not only by clerics, but by politicians -- in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and elsewhere. This is not just Ahmedinijad; it is at the heart of Islamic theology that world peace will be established only when all the Jews are wiped from the earth. But few people in Western media are alarmed by this kind of rhetoric or care to expose this dreadful dark side of Islam's obsession with Jew-hatred.
I do not believe that one has to be an authority on human behavior or group thinking to find out the obvious pathology in Islamic Jew-hatred. It is time for all of us to uncover and expose this atrocity against the Jewish people. We owe that to humanity and the truth.
No true Muslim can see that such hatred is unbecoming and unholy for a world religion to focus on and that the credibility of Islam is tarnished by such hatred. No Muslim is allowed to go far enough to self-analyze or ask why such hatred. Muslims defend Jew-hatred by claiming that Jews betrayed Muhammad and thus deserve of this kind of treatment. Even when I was a Muslim, I believed that the one-sided story against Jews by Islam was enough to justify all the killing, terror, lies, and propaganda by Islamic leaders against Jews. To the average Muslim, routinely cursing Jews in mosques feels normal and even holy!
After a lot of thinking, analysis, research, and writing, I discovered that Jew hatred in Islam is an essential foundation to the Islamic belief system that Muslims cannot seem to be able to rid themselves of. Jew-hatred masks an existential problem in Islam. Islam is terrified of the Jews, and the number-one enemy of Islam is the truth, which must be constantly covered at any cost. It does not matter how many Muslim men, women, and children die in the process of saving Islam's reputation. The number-one duty of Muslims is to protect the reputation of Islam and Mohammad. But why would a religion burden its followers like that? This is why:
When Mohammed embarked on his mission to spread Islam, his objective was to create a uniquely Arabian religion, one created by an Arab prophet, which reflected the Arabian values and culture. Yet to obtain legitimacy, he had to link it to the two previous Abrahamic religions, Judaism and Christianity. He expected the Jewish tribes who lived in Arabia to declare him their Messiah and thereby bring him more legitimacy with Arabs, especially with his own tribe in Mecca, the Quraish. Because his own tribe had rejected and ridiculed him, Mohammed needed the approval of the Jews, whom he called the people of the book. But the conversion of Jews to Islam was part of the scenario that Mohammed had to accomplish in order to prove to Meccans that they had made a mistake by rejecting him.
That was one of the reasons Mohammed chose to migrate to Medina, a town that had predominantly been settled by Jewish tribes and a few impoverished Arabs who lived around the Jews. The Jews allowed Mohammed to move in. At the beginning, the Koran of Mecca was full of appeals to the Jews, who were then described as "guidance and light" (5:44) and a "righteous" people (6:153-154), who "excelled the nations" (45:16). But when the Jews rejected the appeasement and refused to convert to Islam, Mohammed simply and completely flipped. The Quran changed from love to threats and then pure hatred, cursing, and commandments to kill Jews. Rejection by the Jews became an intolerable obsession with Mohammed.
Not only did the Jews reject him, but their prosperity made Mohammed extremely envious. The Jewish Arabian tribes earned their living from legitimate and successful business, but Mohammed earned his living and wealth through warfare -- by attacking Arab tribes, some of whom were from his own tribe -- and trade caravans, seizing their wealth and property. That did not look good for a man who claimed to be a prophet of God. The mere existence of the Jews made Mohammed look bad, which led Mohammed to unspeakable slaughter, beheading of 600 to 900 Jewish men of one tribe, and taking their women and children as slaves. Mohammed had the first pick of the prettiest woman as his sex slave. All of this senseless slaughter of the Jews was elaborately documented in Islamic books on the life of Mohammed -- not as something to be ashamed of, but as justified behavior against evil people.
One does not have to be psychiatrist to see the obvious: that Mohammad was a tormented man after the massacre he orchestrated and forced his fighters to undertake to empower and to enrich himself and his religion. To reduce his torment, he needed everyone around him, as well as future generations, to participate in the genocide against the Jews, the only people whom he could not control. An enormous number of verses in the Koran encouraged Mohammed's fighters to fight, kill, and curse Muslim fighters who wanted to escape fighting and killing Jews. The Quran is full of promises of all kinds of pleasure in heaven to those who followed Mohammed's killing spree and curses and condemnation to those who chose to escape from fighting. Muslims were encouraged to feel no hesitation or guilt for the genocide because it was not they who did it, but rather "Allah's hand."
Mohammed never got over his anger, humiliation, and rejection by "the people of the book" and went to his grave tormented and obsessed that some Jews were still alive. On his deathbed, Mohammed entrusted Muslims to kill Jews wherever they found them, which made this a "holy commandment" that no Muslim can reject. Muslims who wrote sharia understood how Mohammed was extremely sensitive to criticism, and that is why criticizing Mohammed became the highest crime in Islam that will never be forgiven even if the offender repents. Mohammed's message on his deathbed was not for his followers to strive for holiness, peace, goodness, and to treat their neighbors as themselves, but rather a commandment for Muslims to continue the killing and the genocide against the Jews. Killing thus became a holy act of obedience to Mohammed and Allah himself.
Mohammed portrayed himself as a victim of Jews, and Muslims must avenge him until judgment day. With all Arab power, money, and influence around the world today, they still thrive at portraying themselves as victims. Sharia also codified into law the duty of every Muslim to defend Mohammed's honor and Islam with his own blood, and allowed the violation of many commandments if it is for the benefit of defending Islam and Mohammed. Thus, Muslims are carrying a huge burden, a holy burden, to defend Mohammed with their blood, and in doing so they are allowed to kill, lie, cheat, slander, and mislead.
Mohammed must have felt deep and extreme shame after what he had done to the Jews, and thus a very good reason had to be found to explain away his genocide. By commanding Muslims to continue the genocide for him, even after his death, Mohammad expanded the shame to cover all Muslims and Islam itself. All Muslims were commanded to follow Mohammed's example and chase the Jews wherever they went. One hundred years after Mohammed's death, Arabs occupied Jerusalem and built Al Aqsa mosque right on top of the Jewish Temple ruins, the holiest spot of the Jews. Muslims thought they had erased all memory of Jewish existence.
Mohammed's genocide of the Jews of Arabia became an unholy dark mark of shame in Islamic history, and that shame, envy, and anger continues to get the best of Muslims today. In the eyes of Mohammed and Muslims, the mere existence of the Jewish people, let alone an entire Jewish state, delegitimizes Islam and makes Mohammed look more like a mass murderer than like a prophet. For Muslims to make peace with Jews and acknowledge that Jews are humans who deserve the same rights as everyone else would have a devastating effect on how Muslims view their religion, their history, and the actions of their prophet.
Islam has a major existential problem. By no will of their own, the Jews found themselves in the middle of this Islamic dilemma. Islam must justify the genocide that Mohammad waged against the Jews. Mohammad and Muslims had two choices: either the Jews are evil sub-humans, apes, pigs, and enemies of Allah, a common description of Jews still heard regularly in Middle Eastern mosques today, or Mohammad was a genocidal warlord not fit to be a prophet of God -- a choice that would mean the end of Islam.
Then and now, Mohammad and Muslims clearly chose the first worldview and decreed that any hint of the second must be severely punished. Jews must remain eternally evil enemies of Islam if Islam is to remain legitimate. There is no third solution to save the core of Islam from collapsing; either Mohammed was evil, or the Jews were evil. Any attempt to forgive, humanize, or live peacefully with Jews is considered treason against Islam. How can Muslims forgive the Jews and then go back to their mosques, only to read their prophet's words, telling them they must kill Jews wherever they find them? It does not add up, if someone wants to remain Muslim.
That is why the number-one enemy of Islam is, and must remain, the truth. If the truth exposes Islam's unjustified Jew-hatred, Muslims will be left with an empty shell of a religion, a religion whose prophet was a murderer, a thief, and a warlord. Without Jew-hatred, Islam would self-destruct.
Nonie Darwish author is the author of The Devil We Don't Know.
The Noose Around Israel's Neck
By Daniel Greenfield
Israel is being hanged on a public gallows erected on the grounds of the United Nations with yards of rope gleefully supplied by the Muslim world. But the hangmen are mostly Westerners who still think that the Muslim lynch mob at their doorstep can be pacified with the death of a single victim.
There are three things you can do when you are about to be hanged. You can walk proudly, recite a glorious line or two to embed your martyrdom in historical memory, and then allow yourself to be hanged. Jews have an extensive body of experience with that brand of martyrdom.
Alternatively you can plead your case all the way to the gallows, arguing that a mistake has been made, that your case has been improperly reviewed, begging for someone to listen and do something. This way also ends in a hanging. But it's the hanging of a slave without even a shred of dignity attached to it. A man that dies pleading with his murderers, and puts his fate in the honesty of the liars and hypocrites whose own crimes makes the worst of his look like virtues, is a craven fool.
Because there is really only one thing you can do when the noose is being placed around your neck. Resist. A noose works by tightening around your neck and cutting off your air or breaking your neck. If you resist the tightening of the noose, you may actually survive. On the other hand if you follow through all the procedures, if you allow your hands to be tied behind your back, and the noose to be fastened around your neck while trusting in the system to do right by you-- your death is inevitable.
For seventeen years Israel has been walking toward the gallows. Its leaders have led it there by the nose ring of international assurances. Its people have been led there by refusing to see what is waiting ahead for them, even while the blood was being cleaned off the streets. Every attempt to reach a peaceful solution, every concession and show of good faith, has only tightened the bonds around its hands and the noose around its neck.
That is because every concession Israel has made, has further restricted not only its ability to defend itself, but even its ability to do basic things such as build residential housing in the capital of its own nation. Every gesture and agreement Israel has signed has bound it to ever more restrictive terms. And none of them have brought any peace. All they have ever done is set the bar higher for the next round of concessions demanded by the enemy and its aiders and abettors in the next phase of negotiations.
This is not a peace process, and it has never been one. It is a public lynching. It is the lynching of a country whose only real crime is that its existence offends the religious fanaticism and prejudices of a billion Muslims, who control much of the world's oil, and whose followers are willing to riot and kill in the streets of nearly every major city in the world at the slightest offense.
The lynching began as a trial where the murderer wore a fine suit and his victim sat in an orange jumpsuit in the dock. Every day during the trial, the murderer would be allowed to leave the courtroom to kill again. And every afternoon he would return to the courtroom with bloody hands that the judge and jurors would pretend not to see. And if the victim dared to call attention to those bloody hands, he would be silenced and told that those murders too were his fault. Hadn't he after all provoked the murderer into committing them?
Now the trial is coming to a close. The farce that the proceedings ever had anything to do with peace is unraveling. And we can thank Hamas and Obama for that. The endgame is all too clear. The undoing of that "mistake" which allowed the oldest and most persecuted minority in the Middle East to briefly reclaim their homeland from the tyranny of Muslim Caliphs and Sultans. To serve as a homeland for their persecuted brethren from the east and the west. From the south and the north. That mistake.
In a year in which the Iranian regime raped and murdered protesters after a stolen election. In which China and North Korea continue torturing and murdering political dissidents. In which Saudi Arabia and Dubai live off Southeast Asian slave workers. In which Venezuela's Chavez continues shutting down independent media outlets and imprisoning opponents. In which Turkey continues holding thousands of Kurdish political prisoners while occupying Cyprus. In which Russia continues to dismantle democracy and murder journalists. In which Sudan continues perpetuating genocide and the rest of the world nods mournfully but continues on with business as usual. In that year, Israel is the main culprit for such dastardly acts as reportedly assassinating a Hamas terrorist leader in Dubai and intercepting a flotilla providing aid and comfort to Hamas. Every country, including the nations on this list, are rushing forward their condemnations and demands that Israel be held accountable. Accountable for what? For refusing to be lynched.
Every time Israel tries to be accommodating, it instead takes a step closer to the gallows. It allows the noose to be tightened around its neck. And every time that happens, it has to fight harder for air. Eventually if things keep going this way, there will be no air at all. Only a sad forlorn figure swinging in the hot eastern wind from the desert. And cries of Ibtach al Yahood among the rubble of cities and gardens of Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel Aviv and Ariel.
Israel cannot survive by accommodating a lynch mob. Only by having the courage to defy it. When the international community at the behest of the Muslim lynch mob dictates the parameters of Israel's survival, it must expand those parameters by pushing through them to the other side. If they want to recognize terrorists, then we kill those terrorists. If they want to break the Gaza blockade, then we retake Gaza. If they want to unilaterally create a Palestinian state, then we annex those territories. Accommodation is a noose. Defiance is the air of freedom. Every time Israel retreats, it is condemned for it. When it advances, it is condemned for it also, but its freedom of action expands.
The world will always condemn Israel regardless of its intentions. But like any form of namecalling, those condemnations only gain power when Israel allows its actions to be dictated by them. Israel is not condemned because of what Israel does. It is condemned because of a diseased pattern of Islamic bigotry, left wing radicalism and international dhimmism converging in one place. This is a pattern of hate that cannot be undone. It can only be ignored.
When you listen to the threats and taunts of those who hate you, you give them power over yourself. If you try to accommodate your behavior to gain their favor, their outpouring of hate for you will only grow. For it is not your behavior they hate, it is you. By showing weakness, you invite attack. By giving your enemies power over you, all that you accomplish is to drive them into a feeding frenzy at your vulnerability. If you go on this way, you will either be a slave or a corpse. A slave if they have any use for you alive. A corpse if they don't. Either way you have put your head into the noose they made for you.
Israel cannot go on this way. No country could for long. Yet it does, marching on toward the gallows, protesting that there has been a terrible mistake here. But there is no mistake here. None at all. The executioners nod sympathetically and promise to look into it, as they bind his hands behind his back. It's a farce and everyone except the dumbest among the lynch mob, and the condemned knows it.
But like the condemned man refusing a blindfold in the anecdote who's scheduled to be executed, we keep being warned not to make trouble. Go quietly. Breathe deeply. Soon it will all be over. What will the world say, if we resist? Exactly what the world says now. That we're the neighborhood bully. The troublemakers that are the cause of all the troubles of the otherwise peaceful nations of the Middle East. The worm in the lovely healthy apple otherwise covered with Muslim tyrannies.
Every threat that has been made has come about when Israel made concessions, not because it refused to. Every time Israel has chosen the high road, its enemies have ambushed it from the low road. It's past time to wake up and start learning some lessons. The noose is drawn. And the nation is gasping for air. That breath of air was Jerusalem. The next one will be the Galilee. And then what? How many more breaths do we have left before we choke and die?
Before Oslo, Israel was threatened with terror if it did not comply. It complied and the terror increased manifold. And if did not negotiate further, it was threatened with international isolation. It negotiated. It gave. And it was isolated anyway. It was threatened with boycotts, and it gave, and the boycotts came anyway. Now they threaten the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state. Followed by a One State Solution. Followed by international intervention. Noose, gallows and all. And does anyone think that all these will not come about anyway, if Israel gives Abbas and his terrorist cronies their own official state with a capital in Jerusalem?
No compromise has worked until now. Which means no compromise will work. A process in which one side repeatedly compromises and the other side repeatedly threatens and takes, is not a process, but a holdup. If a man threatens you with a gun, then you might think that you can buy him off. Until he returns again and again. And then it is no longer a threat, it is a process. Israel is in that process, or rather it is being processed. At the end of the process is death. If you pay attention only to the gun, and not the pattern of threats, you may keep giving in, until you have given up your home, your wife and your children, and you have nothing left but your life. And then you will lose that as well. That is the nature of the process. To survive, you must not see the gun alone, but the process it is part of.
The last month should have been a final education. A grim testament to the fact that even when Israel withdrew from Gaza, allowed Hamas to control it, and did nothing but prevent Hamas from having outside access, the world is howling as if Israel had filled the country with graves from end to end, as Sudan or Iran or some of the other members and former members of the UN Human Rights Commission have. That is not justice. That is a lynch mob. And what does Netanyahu do in response? Like nearly every Israeli government before him, he backs off on the blockade. Because given that tidbit the lynch mob will be appeased. It will, won't it. Won't it?
We are no longer talking about negotiations. Or any serious discussion of a state. We are talking about the world rising up in one voice to defend the rights of a genocidal organization funded by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad whose charter includes the words; "The Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him." The pretense is over and done with. This is not about anything resembling peace. This is about death. This is a lynch mob. Some come willingly. Others think that they have no choice. That a single murder will buy them the tolerance of the Dar Al Islam.
This is what a noose looks like. These are the gallows. As its hands are bound, Israel loses the ability to defend itself. As the noose tightens, Israel dies. Only by resisting the noose, can it survive. Only by fighting to free its hands, can it resist. The way of surrender is the way of death. And after Israel dies, its own hangmen will be next. Because the lynch mob has only begun. Its appetite is whetted by death. Its hunger will only be sharpened by blood, not sated by it. And it will cover the world in blood, if it is not stopped. But now the noose draws tight. Only a little more air is left. What will we do with that air? Appeal for justice, or fight with all our strength to rip the noose away. For now the choice is still ours. When the noose has done it work, it no longer will be.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Did Prophet Muhammad order Killing Surrendered Jews of Banu Quraiza and Khaybar?
By Rahul Raj
In the post 9/11 era of this modern-world, Islamists around the globe are busy with ‘damage control utopia’ in order to correct the image of religion Islam. We all know that the nucleus of Islam are: Quran, Hadiths (Sunnah) supported by Islamic histories and biographies recorded by various famous Islamic scholars and historians. Now, if we read Quran, hadiths and historical accounts (written by famous Muslim and non-Muslim historians) of Islam with our neutral mind-set, we can easily discover myriads of evidences which are the testament of the fact that unlike any other world’s organized religions, Islam was an Arab political and imperialistic ideology which was propagated by the sword.
It is well established fact that Prophet of Islam is well known to this modern world as the most vicious warrior Prophet (involved in hundreds of battles) having an infamous history of myriads of cruelties, killings, plundering, pillages, enslavements, sexual lusts of ludicrous proportion. But so what? Hypocritical Islamists are bent to deny all of the above allegations, and in doing so, they will bring all sorts of ludicrous arguments and Cock and bull story. Very recently, they have started to play ‘hide and seek’ i.e. they want to deny some hadiths and Islamic history when it supports bad thing about Islam; but when comes the good things—they do not hesitate to dig-out any rotten hadiths and historical account to prove goodies of Islam. This is of course an unadulterated double-standard. This article will attempt to investigate just two (Banu Qurayza and Khaybar) out of many historical incidents happened in the process of total extermination of Jewish tribes from the Arabian Peninsula.
What really happened to Banu Qurayza Jews?
According to “Sirat-a-Rasul” (page 464) by Ibn Ishaq the story goes as follows: Gist: After the Battle of the Ditch, when the coalition force of Quraish left the battle field, Prophet Muhammad attacked the last of the large Jewish tribes of Medina, the Banu Qurayza. After a 25 days siege, they (Jews) surrender unconditionally. In the end, all 600-700 males of the tribe were killed and the women and children sold into slavery.
Story in details:
The Banu Quraiza Jewish tribe was attacked for not supporting Prophet Muhammad when the Quraish’s coalition force from Mecca attacked Medina (The battle of trench). After the withdrawal of the coalition force the Jews were isolated. Hazrat Ali (ra) sworn that he would never stop until he either storms their garrisons or be killed. As per sahi hadiths (Buchari)—when the Prophet returned from the battle of Al-Khandaq (i.e. Trench) and laid down his arms and took a bath, Gabriel came to the apostle wearing an embroidered turban and riding on a mule with a saddle covered with a piece of brocade and asked, “ You have laid down your arms? By Allah, we angels have not laid them down yet and I have just come from pursuing the enemy. ‘God commands you, Muhammad, to go to Banu Qurayza. I am about to go to them to shake their stronghold (to terrorize Jews). So set out for them.” The Prophet said, “Where to go?” Gabriel said, “Towards this side,” pointing towards Banu Quraiza. So the Prophet went out towards them. Below is one master piece Sahi hadith proving the story:
Sa’d bin Mu’adh was the leader of a large Medinan tribe, the Aws (or Aus), some of whom favored old alliances with the Jews. The leader was an elderly man who was seriously wounded in the battle of trench (Source: Ibn Ishaq, p. 462; Watt, Muhammad at Medina, pp. 188-89; 214-17). Sa’d gave the verdict that, “that all the able-bodied (adult) male persons belonging to the tribe should be killed, women and children taken prisoners and their wealth divided among the Muslim fighters.” Compassionate Prophet Muhammad answers in endorsement of this: “You have given the judgement of Allah above the seven heavens…”, (Source: Ibn Ishaq, pp. 463-64; Tabari vol. 8, p. 34).
To separate adult men from the pre-pubescent boys, the youngsters were examined and if they had grown any pubic hair, it was enough to behead them (Abu Dawud; see Ibn Ishaq, p. 466)..
Then the apostle went out to the market of Medina (which is still the market today) and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in batches. This went on until the apostle made an end of them. Among them was the enemy of Allah Huyayy b. Akhtab and Ka`b b. Asad their chief, and they were brought with their hands bound to their neck by a rope. There were 600 or 700 in all, though some put the figure as high as 800 or 900. Apparently Muhammad himself worked on the digging of the trench into which the massacred Jews were to be thrown. But he did not only take part in those preparations, the formulation of the text states that HE sent for them and STRUCK OFF their heads. Prophet Muhammad also had had huge spoils (Maal-E-Ganimat) from this “final solution” of this richest Jewish tribe of Banu Quraiza.
This next hadith indicates that a woman was delirious. She was killed.
The apostle had chosen one of their women for himself, Rayhana bint Amr . . . one of the women of . . . Qurayza, and she remained with him until she died, in his power. The apostle had proposed to marry and put a veil on her, but she said: “Nay, leave me in your power, for that will be easier for me and for you.” So he left her. She had shown repugnance towards Islam when she was captured and clung to Judaism. (Ibn Ishaq, p. 466)
Banu Qurayza’s Massacre supported by Merciful Allah
Evidences from Quranic verses are very clear and surprisingly emphatic. Allah actually celebrated this slaughter and enslavement of Banu Qurayza Jews. That these verses were received during/after the Banu Qurayza incident were supported by most Quranic translators like Maoulana A. Yousuf Ali, Hazrat Maulana mufti Muhammad Shafi, Maulana Muhiuddin Khan etc, and of course, by the most famous Islamic scholar Ibn Ishaq. Merciful Allah promptly sent Qur’anic verses during that period of Banu Qurayza war to justify the cruelty of Prophet Muhammad. Here are some Quranic gems which speak the entire truth about Banu Qurayza massacre:
The verses: 33:25-27 were revealed to describe Banu Qurayza incident and clearly talking about the unbelievers (Quresh pagans, and their allies Jews of Banu Quraiza).
The verse 33:25 told about the retreat of the great force of unbelievers without any success; verse-26 told about how later the traitor Jewish tribe banu Quraiza was raided and seized and Jewish people were terrorized by Muhammad’s army; and verse-33: 27 told—how by the judgement of Sa’d ibn Muaz all the men were slaughtered and women and children were captivated. And Jewish land and property were taken as Booty….Sa’d delivered his justice according to Bible; hence Muhammad said—“your judgenet was like God.”
Allah permitted the enslavement and beheading of Jews, so any Muslim familiar with the background of this verse knows that beheading as such has been assimilated into the Quran. The word q-t-l in verse-33:26 means slaughter. What is so troubling about the verse is that it seems Allah (Himself) celebrated the “terror” that He threw into the Jews’ hearts. Indeed, when Abu Lubabah the mediator approached the Jews during negotiations, the women and children were crying. Allah of course heavily terrorized them. What a Merciful Allah always resided inside the sleeve of Prophet Muhammad!
The Prophet Muhammad had expelled two other Jewish tribes (Qaynuqa and Nadir) from Medina, so he could have done the same with the Qurayza—as indeed Banu Quryza Jews begged for mercy and requested to let them leave Medina. But the prophet for humanity (?) declined this merciful and humane option.
Quranic Tafsir supported Banu Qurayza massacre
Maulana A. Yousuf Ali stated: “The men of the Quraiza were slain; the women were sold as captives of war (booty); and their lands and properties were distributed or divided among the Muhajirs (Yousuf Ali’s tafsir for Sura Ahzab)”.
Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi) writes: “Allah ordered Prophet not to keep any war prisoners until entire land is occupied; because by killing enemy prisoners will crush morals of unvbelievers. Some disciples such as Siddique Akbar (ra) suggested tom keep war prisoners to earn ransoms; but Hazrat Omar ibn Khattab (ra) and Hazrat s’aad ibn muaaz (ra) suggested to kill all able-bodied war prisonesrs (In sura A’nfal (#8): Tafsir by Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi).”
Also please read Koranic Tafsir of Sura Ahzab by Maulana Muhiuddin Khan (Saudi aided Bengali translation of Koran)
What Hadiths says about Banu Qurayza massacre?
That Prophet Muhammad systematically eradicated Jews (who actually welcomed him when he fled to Medina from Mecca) from Medina. He beheaded the men and the pubescent boys and enslaved the women and children. In doing this, he wiped out several Jewish tribes “off the map” just the way Iranian Islamic president Ahmdijannbad desires to do same with present day Jews in Israel. These Islamic cruelties were recorded by various sahi hadiths as follows:
Merciful Allah’s reward (Booty) for Jihadis
Allah repeatedly promised bountiful rewards for the believers both in this life and afterlife. But Allah never told believers to work hard to get it or to establish industries or business; neither anything which could make economy better, nor any lucrative rewards dropped from the sky! But then, what was the ultimate source of promised bounty for the believers during 7th century period? Answer is, it was BOOTY (spoils) sanctioned by Allah in the holy Quran. Booty was the most cruel and immoral provision practiced by Islamic jihadis, which not even any known ancient invaders (Alexander the Great, Romans, Persians or Assyrians etc.) did practice. Allah’s techniques of making Muslims (believers) richer were simple burglary, plundering and highway robbery (after sudden attack/invading) of Arab’s business caravans, neighboring tribes or sovereign nations. Allah of Islam emphatically encouraged and gave Muslims license to invade, subdue or kill all non-Muslim men and to take their women, children and all properties of the prisoners as booty (Ganimah). He (Allah) made booty Halal (lawful) for Muslim warriors. One can find all those tempting verses of Sura Anf’al from Allah inviting Muslims to enjoy booty sanctioned for them. Below are some examples how Quran openly supported Islamic jihadi’s immoral acts:
What really happened to Jews in Khaybar?
Merciful prophet of Islam in his campaign of eradicating all the Jewish tribes (who were most prosperous and rich) from around Medina, he conquered Jewish tribe of Khaybar in May, 628CE. This was a preemptive surprise attack (Gazzowa) or a sudden and unprovoked assault on the Jews of Khaybar. This was a decisive victory for Muslims. The Jews lost ninety-three (93) men while the loss on the Muslim side was only nineteen (19) men. Muhammad took some Khaybar Jews as captives, including Safiyyah bt. Huyayy b. Akhtab, an exquisitely pretty young newly married bride of Kinanah b. al-Rabi b. al-Huqayq. She was the daughter of B. Nadir chief, Huayy b. Akhtab who was beheaded by Muhammad during the slaughtering of B. Qurayzah. Kinanah had recently married Safiyyah, the young, vivacious and pouted daughter of Huyayy and had received a good treasure trove as gift. Muhammad also took two daughters of Safiyaah’s paternal uncle.
What sahi Bukhari says about Khaybar episode:
Sahi Buchari Hadiths #143, page-700: Sulaiman Ibne Harb…Aannas Ibne Malek (ra) narrated, “in the war of Khayber after the inhabitants of Banu Nadir were surrendered, Allah’s apostle killed all the able/adult men, and he (prophet) took all women and children as captives (Ghani mateer maal).. Among the captives Safiyya Bint Huyy Akhtab was taken by Allah’s Apostle as booty whom He married after freeing her and her freedom was her Mahr.”
At first Dihyah al-Kalbi, a Muslim Jihadist asked for Safiyyah. But when Muhammad saw the unparallel beauty of her, he chosen her for himself and gave her two cousin sisters to Dihyah.
Lascivious story supported by sahi hadiths:
(a) Sahi Buchari Hadiths (#149, page-704): Ahmed Ibne Saleh…Annas Ibne Malek narrated, “….when we told Apostle of Allah about the paragon beauty of Safiya Bint Huyay (who was newly wed and the husband was killed in the battle), then Allah’s Apostle sanctioned her for himself…”
(b) Sunan Abu Dawud: Kitab al-Kharaj
Book 19; number 2992 Anas said: Captives were gathered at Khaybar. Dihyah (a jihadi fighter) came and said: “Apostle of Allah, give me a slave-girl from the captives.” He said : Go and take a slave-girl. He took Safiyaah daughter of Huyayy. A man then came to the Prophet (may peace be upon him) and said: “You gave Safiyaah daughter of Huyayy, chief lady of Quraizah and al-Nadir to Dihyah?” This is according to the version of Ya’qub. Then the version goes: “She is worthy of you.” He said: “Call him along with her.” When the Prophet (may peace be upon him) looked at her, he said to him: “Take another slave-girl from the captives. The Prophet (May peace be upon him) then set her free and married her.
(c) Tabari writes: “After the Messenger of God conquered al-Qamus, the fortress of Ibn Abi al-Huqyaq, Safiyyah bt. Huyayy b. Akhtab was brought to him, and another woman with her. Bilal, who was the one who brought them, led them pat some of the slain Jews. When the woman who was with Safiyyah saw them, she cried out, struck her face, and poured dust on her head. When the Messenger of God saw her, he said, “Take this she-devil away from me!” she commanded that Safiyyah should be kept behind him and that the Messenger of God had chosen her for himself.”
Recovering (booty) hidden gold treasures
Prophet Muhammad accused Safiyyah’s husband, Kinanah and his cousin of hiding some of their properties in contravention of the terms of surrender. He was especially angered that Kinanah had hidden the wealth (worth about ten thousad Dinars; i.e, US$ 500,000, approximately) that he received from his marriage to a B. Nadir girl (i.e. Safiyyah). A renegade Jew divulged the secret of Kinanah’s hidden gold treasures. That Jew went and fetched the hidden treasures. Kinanah and his cousin were promptly arrested by the Muslims. Then Kinanah b. al-Rabi, Safiyyah’s husband was brought to Muhammad. Muhammad charged him of hiding his wealth in some underground storage. When Kinanah denied this allegation, Muhammad ordered to inflict torture on him. He was tormented by branding his chest with a heated stake and then he was beheaded in Islamic style.
Sourcing Ibn Ishak, Tabari writes:
‘Kinanah b. al-Rabi b. al-Huqyaq who had the treasure of B. Nadir was brought to the Messenger of God, who questioned him; but he denied knowing where it was. Then the messenger of God was brought a Jew who said to him, “I have seen Kinanah walk around this ruin every morning.” The Messenger of God said to Kinanah: “What do you say? If we find it in your possession, I will kill you.” “All right,” he answered. The Messenger of God commanded that the ruin should be dug up, and some of the treasure was extracted from it. Then he asked him for the rest of it. Kinanah refused to surrender it; so the Messenger of God gave orders concerning him to al-Zubayr b. al-’Awwam, saying, “torture him until you root out what he has.” Al-Zubayr kept twirling his firestick in his breast until Kinanah almost expired; then the Messenger of God gave him to Muhammad b. Maslamah, who beheaded him to avenge his brother Mahmud b. Maslamah.”‘ Muir writes that then the heads of the two chiefs (Kinana and his cousin) were severed off. Because of the so-called treachery by the Jews for allegedly hiding their treasures, Muhammad now allowed the Muslim Jihadists to take possession of the women and children of the Jews of Khaybar.
Allah’s Messenger occupied Jewish land:
After securing paragon beautiful Safiyaah daughter of Huyayy Prophet Muhammad has had sex with this young Safiyya in the tent, on their way back to Medina on the same night. Here is the precarious story: Merciful Prophet asked Bilal, the Negro crier of prayer to fetch Safiyyah to his (Muhammad’s) camp. Bilal brought Safiyyah and her cousin straight across the battlefield strewn with dead and close by the corpses of Kinana and his cousin. The two cousin sisters of Safiyyah shrieked in terror when they witnessed the grotesque scene of the slain dead bodies of their dearest relatives that they had to cross over. They tremulously begged a stone-hearted Bilal for mercy but to no avail. When they were brought to Muhammad, he cursed the panic-stricken cousins as devilish and cast his mantle around Safiyyah indicating that she was to be his own. Muhammad consoled a frustrated Dhiya by giving him Safiyyah’s cousin sisters. According to Ibn Sa’d Prophet Muhammad purchased Safiyyah from Dhiyah for seven camels (around US$ 2,450). On the same night (during the day her husband and all relatives were slaughtered) that Muhammad took possession of Safiyyah, he hastened to his tent to sleep with her. This was of course a holy character of Prophet of Islam!
Here is what Ibn Sa’d writes: “-.when it was night, he entered a tent and she entered with him. Abu Ayyub came there and passed the night by the tent with a sword keeping his head at the tent. When it was morning and the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him.” To hide the lascivious character of Muhammad, Muslim biographers often mention that he married Safiyyahh before he slept with her. But they forget to mention that Muhammad did not follow the rule of waiting period (three monthly periods) to sleep with Safiyyahh. He slept with her in the same day she was captured.
Above stories out of Sahi Hadiths clearly and undoubtedly have confirmed at least two things: (1) Prophet killed all those surrendered unarmed Jews in cold blood, (2) Prophet was attracted by Safiyya’s alluring beauty and he had sex with her (I really don’t care after marriage or before marriage) in a period when that poor Safiyya was in terrible grief by loosing her father, brother, husband and relatives and before the bloods of her relatives was even dry. By what yardstick can we measure the mercifulness and compassionateness of our Prophet? Could any Islamist tell me why Prophet of Islam had to set this terrible example?
Islamic intolerance:
This article has delved with the most sensitive historical incidents happened more than 1400 years ago. Naturally, for correct history, we must depend upon the related sources: Quran, Hadisths and Islamic history recorded by famous biographers. In this article I have used authentic information from the above sources most scrupulously. I have used verses from holy Quran, number of related hadiths as found in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim; and from the life of Prophet Muhammad recorded by Ibn Ishaq in his word Sirat Rasul Allah available in the abridged edition of Ibn Hisham, and translated by A. Guillaume under the title The Life of Muhammad. This is by far the oldest (written) account of Prophet Muhammad’s life in regard to the date of its first composition.
I could not find any alternate or different/contradictory information about this extermination of Jews from Arabia. Scores of sahi hadiths continuously bragged (shamelessly) without any shred of remorse about how heroically (?) the most compassionate Prophet of Islam eliminated all scoundrel Jews from Medina.
For 1400 years all the above Quranic verses and sahi hadiths that I have used were respected and believed by every Muslim faithful believer without any question. No pious Muslims, respected Mullahs, Maoulanas and most famous Islamic scholars had ever questioned their authenticity or validity; nor did they have any doubt or disbelief on the authenticity of Islamic historical record produced by most famous and revered Islamic scholars like: Ibn Ishaq, Tabari, Buchari or Sunan Abu-Dawud in Islam; rather they readily believed them. In fact, these above Islamic scholars had been the oldest/original source of Islamic history on the basis of which tens of thousands of Islamic books have been compiled by various modern Islamic scholars around the world.
Now that some Islamic critics like me started to point out these utterly immoral and heinous acts of Prophet Muhammad, some western educated hypocritical Islamists started to disown or distort these sahi hadiths and shamelessly questioning the authenticity of well-accepted Islamic histories—only to do damage-control by their futile efforts. They forget that the very ridiculous techniques that they use to distort or to find fault with these sahi hadiths can also be used (by same formulas) to find fault with all the available thousands of hadiths—because, all hadiths were recorded about 200 years after Prophet’s demise. I wonder what they can do to those Quranic verses that I have used in this article. Surprisingly, they remain silent about Quranic verses. This is of course, a pure intellectual bankruptcy on their part.
If anyone is looking for a down-to-earth reason for Prophet Muhammad’s attack on all the affluent Jewish tribes such as Qurayza and Khaybar (instead of “Gabriel’s leadership”), then he does not need to look any further than verse- 33:27. After all, the Meccans and their allies withdrew (from seize of Medina at the battle of trench) without allowing Muslims to take their wealth. So how was Muhammad going to reward his 3,000 jihadists? He needed booty (wealth) to reward his jihadis. The prophet confiscated wealth of Jews to satisfy his greedy jihadis. He was following a bad custom of winner-take-all in seventh-century Arabia. It is a pity and shame that he could not rise above this, as the prophet for all of the world, the last and the best of all the prophets!
In the post 9/11 era of this modern-world, Islamists around the globe are busy with ‘damage control utopia’ in order to correct the image of religion Islam. We all know that the nucleus of Islam are: Quran, Hadiths (Sunnah) supported by Islamic histories and biographies recorded by various famous Islamic scholars and historians. Now, if we read Quran, hadiths and historical accounts (written by famous Muslim and non-Muslim historians) of Islam with our neutral mind-set, we can easily discover myriads of evidences which are the testament of the fact that unlike any other world’s organized religions, Islam was an Arab political and imperialistic ideology which was propagated by the sword.
It is well established fact that Prophet of Islam is well known to this modern world as the most vicious warrior Prophet (involved in hundreds of battles) having an infamous history of myriads of cruelties, killings, plundering, pillages, enslavements, sexual lusts of ludicrous proportion. But so what? Hypocritical Islamists are bent to deny all of the above allegations, and in doing so, they will bring all sorts of ludicrous arguments and Cock and bull story. Very recently, they have started to play ‘hide and seek’ i.e. they want to deny some hadiths and Islamic history when it supports bad thing about Islam; but when comes the good things—they do not hesitate to dig-out any rotten hadiths and historical account to prove goodies of Islam. This is of course an unadulterated double-standard. This article will attempt to investigate just two (Banu Qurayza and Khaybar) out of many historical incidents happened in the process of total extermination of Jewish tribes from the Arabian Peninsula.
What really happened to Banu Qurayza Jews?
According to “Sirat-a-Rasul” (page 464) by Ibn Ishaq the story goes as follows: Gist: After the Battle of the Ditch, when the coalition force of Quraish left the battle field, Prophet Muhammad attacked the last of the large Jewish tribes of Medina, the Banu Qurayza. After a 25 days siege, they (Jews) surrender unconditionally. In the end, all 600-700 males of the tribe were killed and the women and children sold into slavery.
Story in details:
The Banu Quraiza Jewish tribe was attacked for not supporting Prophet Muhammad when the Quraish’s coalition force from Mecca attacked Medina (The battle of trench). After the withdrawal of the coalition force the Jews were isolated. Hazrat Ali (ra) sworn that he would never stop until he either storms their garrisons or be killed. As per sahi hadiths (Buchari)—when the Prophet returned from the battle of Al-Khandaq (i.e. Trench) and laid down his arms and took a bath, Gabriel came to the apostle wearing an embroidered turban and riding on a mule with a saddle covered with a piece of brocade and asked, “ You have laid down your arms? By Allah, we angels have not laid them down yet and I have just come from pursuing the enemy. ‘God commands you, Muhammad, to go to Banu Qurayza. I am about to go to them to shake their stronghold (to terrorize Jews). So set out for them.” The Prophet said, “Where to go?” Gabriel said, “Towards this side,” pointing towards Banu Quraiza. So the Prophet went out towards them. Below is one master piece Sahi hadith proving the story:
After a continuous siege of 25 days, the Banu Qurayza Jews surrendered to Prophet Muhammad unconditionally. Muhammad ordered that the men be handcuffed, while the women and children were isolated in confinement. Thereupon Al-Aws tribe interceded begging the Prophet to be lenient towards them. Muhammad suggested that Sa‘d bin Mu‘adh, a former ally, be deputed to give verdict about them, and they agreed.
Muslim: Volume 5, Book 59, Number 444:
Narrated by Anas:
“As if I am just now looking at the dust rising in the street of Banu Ghanm (in Medina) because of the marching of Gabriel’s regiment when Allah’s Apostle set out to Banu Quraiza (to attack them).”
Sa’d bin Mu’adh was the leader of a large Medinan tribe, the Aws (or Aus), some of whom favored old alliances with the Jews. The leader was an elderly man who was seriously wounded in the battle of trench (Source: Ibn Ishaq, p. 462; Watt, Muhammad at Medina, pp. 188-89; 214-17). Sa’d gave the verdict that, “that all the able-bodied (adult) male persons belonging to the tribe should be killed, women and children taken prisoners and their wealth divided among the Muslim fighters.” Compassionate Prophet Muhammad answers in endorsement of this: “You have given the judgement of Allah above the seven heavens…”, (Source: Ibn Ishaq, pp. 463-64; Tabari vol. 8, p. 34).
To separate adult men from the pre-pubescent boys, the youngsters were examined and if they had grown any pubic hair, it was enough to behead them (Abu Dawud; see Ibn Ishaq, p. 466)..
The apostle confined them in Medina in the quarter of al-Harith, a woman of B. al-Najjar.
Sunan Abu-Dawud-Book 38, No. 4390
Narrated Atiyyah al-Qurazi:“I was among the captives of Banu Qurayzah. They (the Companions) examined us, and those who had begun to grow hair (pubes) were killed, and those who had not were not killed. I was among those who had not grown hair.”
Then the apostle went out to the market of Medina (which is still the market today) and dug trenches in it. Then he sent for them and struck off their heads in those trenches as they were brought out to him in batches. This went on until the apostle made an end of them. Among them was the enemy of Allah Huyayy b. Akhtab and Ka`b b. Asad their chief, and they were brought with their hands bound to their neck by a rope. There were 600 or 700 in all, though some put the figure as high as 800 or 900. Apparently Muhammad himself worked on the digging of the trench into which the massacred Jews were to be thrown. But he did not only take part in those preparations, the formulation of the text states that HE sent for them and STRUCK OFF their heads. Prophet Muhammad also had had huge spoils (Maal-E-Ganimat) from this “final solution” of this richest Jewish tribe of Banu Quraiza.
This next hadith indicates that a woman was delirious. She was killed.
The following narrative says that Prophet Muhammad took one beautiful woman for himself.
Book 14, Number 2665:
Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu’minin: “ No woman of Banu [tribe] Qurayzah was killed except one. She was with me, talking and laughing on her back and belly (extremely), while the Apostle of Allah . . . was killing her people with the swords. Suddenly a man called her name: Where is so-and-so? . . . I asked: What is the matter with you? She said: I did a new act. [Aisha] said: The man took her and beheaded her. [Aisha] said: I will not forget that she was laughing extremely although she knew that she would be killed.” (Abu Dawud)
The apostle had chosen one of their women for himself, Rayhana bint Amr . . . one of the women of . . . Qurayza, and she remained with him until she died, in his power. The apostle had proposed to marry and put a veil on her, but she said: “Nay, leave me in your power, for that will be easier for me and for you.” So he left her. She had shown repugnance towards Islam when she was captured and clung to Judaism. (Ibn Ishaq, p. 466)
Banu Qurayza’s Massacre supported by Merciful Allah
Evidences from Quranic verses are very clear and surprisingly emphatic. Allah actually celebrated this slaughter and enslavement of Banu Qurayza Jews. That these verses were received during/after the Banu Qurayza incident were supported by most Quranic translators like Maoulana A. Yousuf Ali, Hazrat Maulana mufti Muhammad Shafi, Maulana Muhiuddin Khan etc, and of course, by the most famous Islamic scholar Ibn Ishaq. Merciful Allah promptly sent Qur’anic verses during that period of Banu Qurayza war to justify the cruelty of Prophet Muhammad. Here are some Quranic gems which speak the entire truth about Banu Qurayza massacre:
These above Quranic verses revealed some unpleasant truths:
Quran-33:25- “Allah turned back the unbelievers [Meccans and their allies] in a state of rage, having not won any good, and Allah spared the believers battle. Allah is, indeed, Strong and Mighty.”
Quran-33:26- “And He brought those of the People of the Book [Jewish people of Banu Qurayza] who supported them from their fortresses and cast terror into their hearts, some of them you slew (beheaded) and some you took prisoners (captive)”
Quran-33:27- “And He made you heirs of their lands, their houses, and their goods, and of a land which ye had not frequented (before). And Allah has power over all things.” [Merciful Allah asked Prophet Muhammad to confiscate entire properties of surrendered Jews]
Quran-8:67—“It is not fitting for an Apostle that he should have prisoners of war until He thoroughly subdued the land….” (Allah insisting Prophet to kill all the prisoners, and should not keep any surrendered prisoners alive until He (Prophet) occupied entire Arabia.”
Quran-8:17—It is not ye who Slew them; it is God; when thou threwest a handful of dust, it was not Thy act, but God’s…..” (Allah said, the killing of surrendered soldiers were done by the wish of Allah)
The verses: 33:25-27 were revealed to describe Banu Qurayza incident and clearly talking about the unbelievers (Quresh pagans, and their allies Jews of Banu Quraiza).
The verse 33:25 told about the retreat of the great force of unbelievers without any success; verse-26 told about how later the traitor Jewish tribe banu Quraiza was raided and seized and Jewish people were terrorized by Muhammad’s army; and verse-33: 27 told—how by the judgement of Sa’d ibn Muaz all the men were slaughtered and women and children were captivated. And Jewish land and property were taken as Booty….Sa’d delivered his justice according to Bible; hence Muhammad said—“your judgenet was like God.”
Allah permitted the enslavement and beheading of Jews, so any Muslim familiar with the background of this verse knows that beheading as such has been assimilated into the Quran. The word q-t-l in verse-33:26 means slaughter. What is so troubling about the verse is that it seems Allah (Himself) celebrated the “terror” that He threw into the Jews’ hearts. Indeed, when Abu Lubabah the mediator approached the Jews during negotiations, the women and children were crying. Allah of course heavily terrorized them. What a Merciful Allah always resided inside the sleeve of Prophet Muhammad!
The Prophet Muhammad had expelled two other Jewish tribes (Qaynuqa and Nadir) from Medina, so he could have done the same with the Qurayza—as indeed Banu Quryza Jews begged for mercy and requested to let them leave Medina. But the prophet for humanity (?) declined this merciful and humane option.
Quranic Tafsir supported Banu Qurayza massacre
Maulana A. Yousuf Ali stated: “The men of the Quraiza were slain; the women were sold as captives of war (booty); and their lands and properties were distributed or divided among the Muhajirs (Yousuf Ali’s tafsir for Sura Ahzab)”.
Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi) writes: “Allah ordered Prophet not to keep any war prisoners until entire land is occupied; because by killing enemy prisoners will crush morals of unvbelievers. Some disciples such as Siddique Akbar (ra) suggested tom keep war prisoners to earn ransoms; but Hazrat Omar ibn Khattab (ra) and Hazrat s’aad ibn muaaz (ra) suggested to kill all able-bodied war prisonesrs (In sura A’nfal (#8): Tafsir by Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi).”
Also please read Koranic Tafsir of Sura Ahzab by Maulana Muhiuddin Khan (Saudi aided Bengali translation of Koran)
What Hadiths says about Banu Qurayza massacre?
That Prophet Muhammad systematically eradicated Jews (who actually welcomed him when he fled to Medina from Mecca) from Medina. He beheaded the men and the pubescent boys and enslaved the women and children. In doing this, he wiped out several Jewish tribes “off the map” just the way Iranian Islamic president Ahmdijannbad desires to do same with present day Jews in Israel. These Islamic cruelties were recorded by various sahi hadiths as follows:
What else we need to authenticate Banu Qurayza massacre? We have scores of Quranic verses, sahi hadiths along with Islamic historical accounts recorded by the most famous and oldest biographer like Ibn Ishaq which are very strong and unambiguous evidences supporting this heinous act of Prophet Muhammad. How in the world any sane human being can deny such clear evidences from the very nucleus (Quran, sahi Hadisths and biographies) of Islam?
Sahi Bukhari :Volume 5, Book 59, Number 443: Narrated ‘Aisha:
When the Prophet returned from the battle of Al-Khandaq (i.e. Trench) and laid down his arms and took a bath, Gabriel came and said (to the Prophet), “you have laid down your arms? By Allah, we angels have not laid them down yet. So set out for them.” The Prophet said, “Where to go?” Gabriel said, “Towards this side,” pointing towards Banu Quraiza. So the Prophet went out towards them.
Book 019, Number 4368:
It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Sa’id al-Khudri who said: The people of Banu Quraiza surrendered accepting the decision of Sa’d b. Mu’adh about them. Accordingly, the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) sent for Sa’d who came to him riding a donkey. When he approached the mosque, the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said to the Ansar: Stand up to receive your chieftain. Then he said (to Sa’d): These people have surrendered accepting your decision. He (Sa’d) said: “You will kill their fighters and capture their women and children.” (Hearing this), the Prophet (may peace be upon him) said: “You have adjudged by the command of God.”
Sahi Bukhari: Book 019, Number 4370:
It has been narrated on the authority of A’isha who said: Sa’d was wounded on the day of the Battle of the Ditch. A man from the Quraish called Ibn al-Ariqah shot at him an arrow which pierced the artery in the middle of his forearm. The Messenger of Allah (may peacce be upon him) pitched a tent for him in the mosque and would inquire after him being in close proximity. When he returned from the Ditch and laid down his arms and took a bath, the angel Gabriel appeared to him and he was removing dust from his hair (as if he had just returned from the battle). The latter said: You have laid down arms. By God, we haven’t (yet) laid them down. So march against them. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) asked: Where? He pointed to Banu Quraiza. So the Messenger of Allah (may peace he upon him) fought against them. They surrendered at the command of the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him), but he referred the decision about them to Sa’d who said: “I decide about them that those of them who can fight be killed, their women and children taken prisoners and their properties distributed (among the Muslims).”
Volume 4, Book 52, Number 280: Narrated Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri:
When the tribe of Bani Quraiza was ready to accept Sad’s judgment, Allah’s Apostle sent for Sad who was near to him. Sad came, riding a donkey and when he came near, Allah’s Apostle said (to the Ansar), “Stand up for your leader.” Then Sad came and sat beside Allah’s Apostle who said to him. “These people are ready to accept your judgment.” Sad said, “I give the judgment that their warriors should be killed and their children and women should be taken as prisoners.” The Prophet then remarked, “O Sad! You have judged amongst them with (or similar to) the judgment of the King Allah.”
Merciful Allah’s reward (Booty) for Jihadis
Allah repeatedly promised bountiful rewards for the believers both in this life and afterlife. But Allah never told believers to work hard to get it or to establish industries or business; neither anything which could make economy better, nor any lucrative rewards dropped from the sky! But then, what was the ultimate source of promised bounty for the believers during 7th century period? Answer is, it was BOOTY (spoils) sanctioned by Allah in the holy Quran. Booty was the most cruel and immoral provision practiced by Islamic jihadis, which not even any known ancient invaders (Alexander the Great, Romans, Persians or Assyrians etc.) did practice. Allah’s techniques of making Muslims (believers) richer were simple burglary, plundering and highway robbery (after sudden attack/invading) of Arab’s business caravans, neighboring tribes or sovereign nations. Allah of Islam emphatically encouraged and gave Muslims license to invade, subdue or kill all non-Muslim men and to take their women, children and all properties of the prisoners as booty (Ganimah). He (Allah) made booty Halal (lawful) for Muslim warriors. One can find all those tempting verses of Sura Anf’al from Allah inviting Muslims to enjoy booty sanctioned for them. Below are some examples how Quran openly supported Islamic jihadi’s immoral acts:
One may think that Islamic Allah was (actually) enslaved by Prophet Muhammad. Otherwise how in the world any divine God could allow such cruelest and highly immoral things to happen! Allah readily permitted Prophet Muhammad to take the Jewish clan’s property on the basis of conquest and his possession of all things (Quran-33:27). This is a dubious revelation and reasoning Allah speaks, and this benefits Muhammad materially and politically. This happened too often in Prophet Muhammad’s life. In fact, this “Booty” provision was the most dynamic and lucrative lure or attraction for amassing Arab have-nots (slaves, poor, vagabonds, unemployed destitute) in the Prophet Muhammad’s jihadi cult—in order to become rich by quick method in this life and also enjoy unlimited heavenly pleasures in afterlife!
Quran-8:69—“But (now) enjoy what ye took in war (booty), lawful and good; but fear God…” (Allah encouraging Muslims to accept booty spoils of war “Maal-E-Ganimat”)
Quran-8:1— “They ask thee concerning (things taken as) spoils of war (booty). Say: “(such) spoils are at the disposal of Allah and the Messenger: So fear Allah, and keep straight the relations between yourselves: Obey Allah and His Messenger, if ye do believe.”
Quran-8:41— “And know that out of all the booty that ye may acquire (in war), a fifth share is assigned to Allah,- and to the Messenger, and to near relatives, orphans, the needy, and the wayfarer,- if ye do believe in Allah and in the revelation We sent down to Our servant on the Day of Testing,- the Day of the meeting of the two forces. For Allah hath power over all things.”
What really happened to Jews in Khaybar?
Merciful prophet of Islam in his campaign of eradicating all the Jewish tribes (who were most prosperous and rich) from around Medina, he conquered Jewish tribe of Khaybar in May, 628CE. This was a preemptive surprise attack (Gazzowa) or a sudden and unprovoked assault on the Jews of Khaybar. This was a decisive victory for Muslims. The Jews lost ninety-three (93) men while the loss on the Muslim side was only nineteen (19) men. Muhammad took some Khaybar Jews as captives, including Safiyyah bt. Huyayy b. Akhtab, an exquisitely pretty young newly married bride of Kinanah b. al-Rabi b. al-Huqayq. She was the daughter of B. Nadir chief, Huayy b. Akhtab who was beheaded by Muhammad during the slaughtering of B. Qurayzah. Kinanah had recently married Safiyyah, the young, vivacious and pouted daughter of Huyayy and had received a good treasure trove as gift. Muhammad also took two daughters of Safiyaah’s paternal uncle.
What sahi Bukhari says about Khaybar episode:
Distribution of war booty in Khaybar
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 512:
Narrated by Anas:
The Prophet offered the Fajr Prayer near Khaybar when it was still dark and then said, “Allahu-Akbar! Khaybar is destroyed, for whenever we approach a (hostile) nation (to fight), then evil will be the morning for those who have been warned.” Then the inhabitants of Khaybar came out running on the roads. The Prophet had their warriors killed, their offspring and woman taken as captives. Safiya was amongst the captives, She first came in the share of Dahya Alkali but later on she belonged to the Prophet . The Prophet made her manumission as her ‘Mahr’. Muhammad was sixty (60) when he married Safiyyahh, a young girl of seventeen. She became his eighth wife.
Sahi Buchari Hadiths #143, page-700: Sulaiman Ibne Harb…Aannas Ibne Malek (ra) narrated, “in the war of Khayber after the inhabitants of Banu Nadir were surrendered, Allah’s apostle killed all the able/adult men, and he (prophet) took all women and children as captives (Ghani mateer maal).. Among the captives Safiyya Bint Huyy Akhtab was taken by Allah’s Apostle as booty whom He married after freeing her and her freedom was her Mahr.”
At first Dihyah al-Kalbi, a Muslim Jihadist asked for Safiyyah. But when Muhammad saw the unparallel beauty of her, he chosen her for himself and gave her two cousin sisters to Dihyah.
Lascivious story supported by sahi hadiths:
(a) Sahi Buchari Hadiths (#149, page-704): Ahmed Ibne Saleh…Annas Ibne Malek narrated, “….when we told Apostle of Allah about the paragon beauty of Safiya Bint Huyay (who was newly wed and the husband was killed in the battle), then Allah’s Apostle sanctioned her for himself…”
(b) Sunan Abu Dawud: Kitab al-Kharaj
Book 19; number 2992 Anas said: Captives were gathered at Khaybar. Dihyah (a jihadi fighter) came and said: “Apostle of Allah, give me a slave-girl from the captives.” He said : Go and take a slave-girl. He took Safiyaah daughter of Huyayy. A man then came to the Prophet (may peace be upon him) and said: “You gave Safiyaah daughter of Huyayy, chief lady of Quraizah and al-Nadir to Dihyah?” This is according to the version of Ya’qub. Then the version goes: “She is worthy of you.” He said: “Call him along with her.” When the Prophet (may peace be upon him) looked at her, he said to him: “Take another slave-girl from the captives. The Prophet (May peace be upon him) then set her free and married her.
(c) Tabari writes: “After the Messenger of God conquered al-Qamus, the fortress of Ibn Abi al-Huqyaq, Safiyyah bt. Huyayy b. Akhtab was brought to him, and another woman with her. Bilal, who was the one who brought them, led them pat some of the slain Jews. When the woman who was with Safiyyah saw them, she cried out, struck her face, and poured dust on her head. When the Messenger of God saw her, he said, “Take this she-devil away from me!” she commanded that Safiyyah should be kept behind him and that the Messenger of God had chosen her for himself.”
Recovering (booty) hidden gold treasures
Prophet Muhammad accused Safiyyah’s husband, Kinanah and his cousin of hiding some of their properties in contravention of the terms of surrender. He was especially angered that Kinanah had hidden the wealth (worth about ten thousad Dinars; i.e, US$ 500,000, approximately) that he received from his marriage to a B. Nadir girl (i.e. Safiyyah). A renegade Jew divulged the secret of Kinanah’s hidden gold treasures. That Jew went and fetched the hidden treasures. Kinanah and his cousin were promptly arrested by the Muslims. Then Kinanah b. al-Rabi, Safiyyah’s husband was brought to Muhammad. Muhammad charged him of hiding his wealth in some underground storage. When Kinanah denied this allegation, Muhammad ordered to inflict torture on him. He was tormented by branding his chest with a heated stake and then he was beheaded in Islamic style.
Sourcing Ibn Ishak, Tabari writes:
‘Kinanah b. al-Rabi b. al-Huqyaq who had the treasure of B. Nadir was brought to the Messenger of God, who questioned him; but he denied knowing where it was. Then the messenger of God was brought a Jew who said to him, “I have seen Kinanah walk around this ruin every morning.” The Messenger of God said to Kinanah: “What do you say? If we find it in your possession, I will kill you.” “All right,” he answered. The Messenger of God commanded that the ruin should be dug up, and some of the treasure was extracted from it. Then he asked him for the rest of it. Kinanah refused to surrender it; so the Messenger of God gave orders concerning him to al-Zubayr b. al-’Awwam, saying, “torture him until you root out what he has.” Al-Zubayr kept twirling his firestick in his breast until Kinanah almost expired; then the Messenger of God gave him to Muhammad b. Maslamah, who beheaded him to avenge his brother Mahmud b. Maslamah.”‘ Muir writes that then the heads of the two chiefs (Kinana and his cousin) were severed off. Because of the so-called treachery by the Jews for allegedly hiding their treasures, Muhammad now allowed the Muslim Jihadists to take possession of the women and children of the Jews of Khaybar.
Allah’s Messenger occupied Jewish land:
Enjoying special Booty
Sahih Muslim writes:
Book 010, Number 3759:
Ibn Umar (Allah be pleased with them) reported: Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) handed over the land of Khaibar (on the condition) of the share of produce of fruits and harvest, and he also gave to his wives every year one hundred wasqs: eighty wasqs of dates and twenty wasqs of barley. When ‘Umar became the caliph he distributed the (lands and trees) of Khaibar, and gave option to the wives of Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) to earmark for themselves the land and water or stick to the wasqs (that they got) every year. They differed in this matter. Some of them opted for land and water, and some of them opted for wasqs every year. ‘A’isha and Hafsa were among those who opted for land and water.
After securing paragon beautiful Safiyaah daughter of Huyayy Prophet Muhammad has had sex with this young Safiyya in the tent, on their way back to Medina on the same night. Here is the precarious story: Merciful Prophet asked Bilal, the Negro crier of prayer to fetch Safiyyah to his (Muhammad’s) camp. Bilal brought Safiyyah and her cousin straight across the battlefield strewn with dead and close by the corpses of Kinana and his cousin. The two cousin sisters of Safiyyah shrieked in terror when they witnessed the grotesque scene of the slain dead bodies of their dearest relatives that they had to cross over. They tremulously begged a stone-hearted Bilal for mercy but to no avail. When they were brought to Muhammad, he cursed the panic-stricken cousins as devilish and cast his mantle around Safiyyah indicating that she was to be his own. Muhammad consoled a frustrated Dhiya by giving him Safiyyah’s cousin sisters. According to Ibn Sa’d Prophet Muhammad purchased Safiyyah from Dhiyah for seven camels (around US$ 2,450). On the same night (during the day her husband and all relatives were slaughtered) that Muhammad took possession of Safiyyah, he hastened to his tent to sleep with her. This was of course a holy character of Prophet of Islam!
Here is what Ibn Sa’d writes: “-.when it was night, he entered a tent and she entered with him. Abu Ayyub came there and passed the night by the tent with a sword keeping his head at the tent. When it was morning and the Apostle of Allah, may Allah bless him.” To hide the lascivious character of Muhammad, Muslim biographers often mention that he married Safiyyahh before he slept with her. But they forget to mention that Muhammad did not follow the rule of waiting period (three monthly periods) to sleep with Safiyyahh. He slept with her in the same day she was captured.
Above stories out of Sahi Hadiths clearly and undoubtedly have confirmed at least two things: (1) Prophet killed all those surrendered unarmed Jews in cold blood, (2) Prophet was attracted by Safiyya’s alluring beauty and he had sex with her (I really don’t care after marriage or before marriage) in a period when that poor Safiyya was in terrible grief by loosing her father, brother, husband and relatives and before the bloods of her relatives was even dry. By what yardstick can we measure the mercifulness and compassionateness of our Prophet? Could any Islamist tell me why Prophet of Islam had to set this terrible example?
Islamic intolerance:
Book 019, Number 4366:
It has been narrated by ‘Umar b. al-Khattib that he heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) say: “I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim.” [This single sahi hadiths tells everything about Islamic intolerance]
Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 288
The Prophet on his death-bed, gave three orders one of them was to Expel the pagans from the Arabian Peninsula.
Bukhari Volume 4, Book 52, Number 176
Narrated ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar:
Allah’s Apostle said, “You (i.e. Muslims) will fight with the Jews till some of them will hide behind stones. The stones will (betray them) saying, ‘O ‘Abdullah (i.e. slave of Allah)! There is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him.’ ”
This article has delved with the most sensitive historical incidents happened more than 1400 years ago. Naturally, for correct history, we must depend upon the related sources: Quran, Hadisths and Islamic history recorded by famous biographers. In this article I have used authentic information from the above sources most scrupulously. I have used verses from holy Quran, number of related hadiths as found in Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim; and from the life of Prophet Muhammad recorded by Ibn Ishaq in his word Sirat Rasul Allah available in the abridged edition of Ibn Hisham, and translated by A. Guillaume under the title The Life of Muhammad. This is by far the oldest (written) account of Prophet Muhammad’s life in regard to the date of its first composition.
I could not find any alternate or different/contradictory information about this extermination of Jews from Arabia. Scores of sahi hadiths continuously bragged (shamelessly) without any shred of remorse about how heroically (?) the most compassionate Prophet of Islam eliminated all scoundrel Jews from Medina.
For 1400 years all the above Quranic verses and sahi hadiths that I have used were respected and believed by every Muslim faithful believer without any question. No pious Muslims, respected Mullahs, Maoulanas and most famous Islamic scholars had ever questioned their authenticity or validity; nor did they have any doubt or disbelief on the authenticity of Islamic historical record produced by most famous and revered Islamic scholars like: Ibn Ishaq, Tabari, Buchari or Sunan Abu-Dawud in Islam; rather they readily believed them. In fact, these above Islamic scholars had been the oldest/original source of Islamic history on the basis of which tens of thousands of Islamic books have been compiled by various modern Islamic scholars around the world.
Now that some Islamic critics like me started to point out these utterly immoral and heinous acts of Prophet Muhammad, some western educated hypocritical Islamists started to disown or distort these sahi hadiths and shamelessly questioning the authenticity of well-accepted Islamic histories—only to do damage-control by their futile efforts. They forget that the very ridiculous techniques that they use to distort or to find fault with these sahi hadiths can also be used (by same formulas) to find fault with all the available thousands of hadiths—because, all hadiths were recorded about 200 years after Prophet’s demise. I wonder what they can do to those Quranic verses that I have used in this article. Surprisingly, they remain silent about Quranic verses. This is of course, a pure intellectual bankruptcy on their part.
If anyone is looking for a down-to-earth reason for Prophet Muhammad’s attack on all the affluent Jewish tribes such as Qurayza and Khaybar (instead of “Gabriel’s leadership”), then he does not need to look any further than verse- 33:27. After all, the Meccans and their allies withdrew (from seize of Medina at the battle of trench) without allowing Muslims to take their wealth. So how was Muhammad going to reward his 3,000 jihadists? He needed booty (wealth) to reward his jihadis. The prophet confiscated wealth of Jews to satisfy his greedy jihadis. He was following a bad custom of winner-take-all in seventh-century Arabia. It is a pity and shame that he could not rise above this, as the prophet for all of the world, the last and the best of all the prophets!