Thursday, June 17, 2010

Halal ben Shachar

Some Ancient Hebrew Scripture about Islam before Islam even existed

Halal ben Shachar is Satans name . It's only written out in full one time in all of scripture and found in the Great Scrolls of Yasha'yah/Isaiah . Of course Islam promotes the eating of "Halal Foods" The diety's name Allah is also contained in the ancient Hebrew word for terrorism (ballahah) . With that I will share a Paleo Hebrew amplicication from The Great Scrolls of Yasha’yahu :

On a high mountain you have arrogantly put in place and fashioned , raised up and advocated your own bed and death bier . And indeed, you have quickly become witnesses for, lifting up Allah/the perverse and unrighteous one , killing the living in an act of religious worship to gain the favor of a deity " (Yashayahu / Isaiah 57:7)

Of course this was written way before any Diety named Allah or any slave trader named Muhammad so once again its proof that the Hebrew scriptures are inspired :) Do you think that Yahuweh is making some sighns for us to read ?

"‘Was not ‘Esaw (‘esaw - from ‘asah, ‘ashowq, and ‘adomny to work, to be extorted, to oppress, and to be blood red) a brother of Ya’aqob?’ declares Yahuweh. ‘I love Ya’aqob, and I hate ‘Esaw. I have caused his mountain ranges to be lifeless and desolate , and his inheritance a desert for jackals and serpents .’" (Mal’aky / Malachi 1:2-3)

The Hebrew word for "jackal" and "serpent" is the same, suggesting that while ‘Esaw’s mortal existence would be lifeless, desolate, and impoverished, his eternal destiny would be with serpents-which is to be incarcerated with Satan in the Abyss.

While there are many paths which lead away from Yahweh, most share four things in common-all of which are described in ‘Esaw’s name. Religions are ‘asah: "works based." In Islam, a Muslim earns paradise by killing for Allah. The victims who wander away from God are ‘ashowq: "extorted and oppressed." Such was the case for a thousand years under Catholicism. And man’s religious paths are predominately ‘adomny: "bloody red" and deadly affairs. So, in the name of the one man God says He hates, He has provided a multi-level picture of religion.

I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that the Messiyah’s Qur’anic name isn’t Yahushua, but instead Issa, an Arabic transliteration of ‘Esaw. While this mistake proves that the Qur’an wasn’t inspired by God, it also strongly suggests that it was inspired by Satan.
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