The four-day hostage crisis in the Sahara reached a bloody conclusion on Saturday as the Algerian Army carried out a final assault on the gas field taken over by Islamist militants, killing most of the remaining kidnappers and raising the total of hostages killed to at least 23, Algerian officials said….And that is exactly what Islam is. It’s a bullet to the head of an unarmed man. A murder carried out for the purposes of display. An atrocity whose message is that Islam is a better religion than yours because its followers will kill you. That is what Islam is. That it is all it is. And over a thousand years of terror should have taught that lesson to the free peoples of the world already.
One Algerian who managed to escape told France 24 television late Friday night that the kidnappers said, “We’ve come in the name of Islam, to teach the Americans what Islam is.” The haggard-looking man, interviewed at the airport in Algiers, said the kidnappers then immediately executed five hostages.
Islam is Daniel Pearl being beheaded. Islam is teenage girls being murdered in Afghanistan, in Jordan and in Toronto. Islam is non-Muslims being murdered because they’re non-Muslim and women being murdered because they’re women. Islam is over a thousand years of terror and tyranny wrapped into one brutal package.
This is Islam. Its lesson is the only one that it is capable of teaching, despite all the Koranic commentary and memorization. Its lesson is the same as that of the bullet or the poison or the Qassam rocket or the knife. Its lesson is death.
Algeria in Jihadi Flames
By Matthew Vadum
Emboldened by America’s projection of weakness abroad, Islamists apparently linked to al-Qaeda reportedly continue to hold about 40 foreign hostages including seven Americans seized Wednesday at a natural gas field in Algeria.
At press time, conflicting media reports had been emerging from the region. Some claimed that the hostages have been freed; others, that several hostages have been killed.
The mass kidnapping at a BP (formerly British Petroleum) gas site near the Libyan border, which may very well have been accomplished with U.S.-supplied weapons left over from the ouster of the late Muammar Qaddafi in Libya, seems to be a spillover from a failed French drive to remove Islamist militants from nearby Mali.
According to the Wall Street Journal, France’s target in Mali was Algeria-based Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, or AQIM, which has “claimed responsibility for the Algeria kidnappings, calling it retaliation.”
The northern portion of Mali is important to the Islamofascists because it is one of their recently acquired strongholds that serves as a showcase for the reimposition of Shariah law in the region. It is a beachhead for Islamist world revolution.
Al-Qaeda forces, working with Qaddafi’s former mercenaries, previously took over northern Mali, an area about the size of Texas. Africa, writes FrontPage Magazine’s Daniel Greenfield, is now “to Islamic Colonialism in the 21st Century what it was to European Colonialism in the 19th Century.”
The kidnapping episode also undercuts President Obama’s spurious claim that al-Qaeda is somehow on the run and virtually irrelevant thanks to his policies. During the past election cycle Obama bragged over and over that “al-Qaeda is on the path to defeat and Osama bin Laden is dead.” That path now seems to be long and winding.
Each passing day it becomes increasingly clear that the Obama administration, which spends much of its time apologizing for past U.S. policies, isn’t serious about combating Islamism. The fact that the administration itself is a hotbed of Islamist activity, according to various investigative reports, no doubt has something to do with it.
With his laissez-faire approach to fighting Islamism, Obama is beginning to make President Jimmy Carter, reviled by many American conservatives, look like a serious statesman. Carter, more so than Obama, at least appeared at times to have some kind of a plan for dealing with problems in the Muslim world when he occupied the White House.
Under Obama, the United States is now benched in a self-imposed penalty box, playing no particular role in halting al-Qaeda’s progress in dangerous parts of the world. U.S.-supplied war material from Obama’s feel-good adventure in Libya may very well be fueling the advance of America’s terrorist enemies in Africa.
While the 44th president has focused on photo opportunities, bowing before dictators, coverups, vacations, and golf, Islamism has been on the march, asserting itself throughout the Ummah. Slavery, long extinct in the civilized world, is being reestablished and cruel Shariah law ruthlessly enforced.
Fundamentalist Muslim regimes are taking over country after country across North Africa and the Middle East. Thieves’ hands are being chopped off in Mali; accused spies crucified in Yemen. Rape victims are publicly flogged in the Maldives and elsewhere for “fornication,” while gays and dissidents of all stripes continue to be put to death by the murderous mullahs of Iran. In Sudan, Nigeria, and Ethiopia fanatical adherents of the so-called religion of peace persecute and slaughter Christians and church leaders.
Open Doors, an international Christian charity, estimated in a recent report that 100 million Christians are persecuted worldwide. Of the 50 worst-offending countries it tracks, only one is outside Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.
Egypt, for decades a key U.S. ally, is now in the hands of President Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood thanks to Obama’s meddling. The Arab Republic is suddenly threatening Israel, a nation with which it has had a Carter-engineered peace treaty since 1979.
The Obama-backed Morsi calls Jews “bloodsuckers” and “the descendants of apes and pigs.” Egyptians should “nurse our children and our grandchildren on hatred for them: for Zionists, for Jews,” Morsi rants. He is leading the way as Egypt transforms itself into another Iran after Obama abandoned the now-deposed president Hosni Mubarak.
Of course Morsi is just one Islamist tyrant in what promises to be a long series of theocratic totalitarians that President Obama has unleashed on the world.
Chances are many more will follow.
25 more bodies found at Algerian plant
ReplyDeleteThe Algerian security official said the 25 bodies found by bombs squads on Sunday were so badly disfigured that it was difficult to tell whether they were hostages or attackers. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the situation and said those casualties were not official yet.
In addition to the bodies found at the site Sunday, a wounded Romanian who had been evacuated and brought home died, raised the overall death toll to at least 81.
Jihadists Tell Hostages ‘We Only Kill Christians and Infidels’
ReplyDelete‘Battalion of Blood’ gunmen had one aim… to ‘kill infidels and Christians’
ReplyDeleteIslam is a Trojan Horse