Friday, February 26, 2010


by ali5196 » Thu Dec 08, 2005 6:10 am

Lying in Islam/Berbohong dalam Islam
By Abdullah Al Araby

Quran 40:28: "Sesungguhnya Allah tidak menuntun seorangpun yg melanggar dan membohong."

Dlm Hadis, Mohamad dikutip sbg mengatakan, "Jujurlah kalian karena kejujuran membawa kebaikan dan kebaikan mengantar ke surga. Hati2 dgn kepalsuan karena ni mengantar kpd ketidakmoralan dan ketidakmoralan mengantar ke Neraka."

Tetapi hanya ini yg akan dikatakan Muslim kpd NON-MUSLIM. Selebihnya mereka sembunyikan.

Buku "The spirit of Islam," oleh pakar Muslim, Afif A. Tabbarah ditulis utk mem-promosikan Islam. Tapi lihat hal 247 "Berbohong tidak selalu buruk; ada kalanya dimana berbohong lebih bermanfaat dan lebih baik bagi kesejahteraan umum dan penyelesaian perkara. Menurut Nabi: 'Ia bukan orang curang (lewat berbohong) kalau menyelesaikan perkara, mendukung hal2 yang benar atau mengatakan apa yang benar."

Mempelajari duplisitas dlm Islam ini, kami akan menguji beberapa contoh dari sejarah Islam. Ini akan menunjukkan bahwa berbohong memang KEBIJAKAN UMUM para imam dan tokoh negara (muslim).

Juni 1967, MESIR dikalahkan Israel dan kehilangan Sinai Peninsula dalam Perang Enam Hari. Tujuan utama Presiden Nasser oleh karena itu adlah merebut kembali wilayah yg hilang itu. Pres Sadatpun menerapkan motto: "No voice should rise over the voice of The Battle."

Tentara yg direkrut th 1967 memperkirakan bahwa setiap saat "perang akan dmulai lagi". Namun, tahun demi tahun lewat dan masy Mesir semakin sebal dgn pernyataan2 jagoan pemimpin politik.

Th 1972 Sadat bersumpah dgn pasti bahwa tahun inilah adalah tahun perang yang sudah lama dinanti2. Selama tahun itu ia berkali2 bersumpah, "Saya bersumpah demi kehormatan saya bahwa tahun ini tidak akan lewat tanpa kita melancarkan perang." Satu tahun mereka terus menunggu ...

Orang percaya padanya karena ia mempertaruhkan reputasi dan kehormatannya lewat sebuah sumpah. Tapi tahun itupun berlalu tanpa adanya satu tembakanpun. Akibatnya, orang2 diluar dan didalam Mesir mengoloknya sbg tong kosong. Tapi Oktober 1973 ia tiba2 melancarkan serangan yg kemudian dikenal sbg perang Yom Kippur.

Sbg panglima militer, Sadat diperkirakan menggunakan elemen ‘surprise’ utk mengelabui musuh. Sbg Muslim tulen, Sadat tidak sedikitpun khawatir dgn janjinya yg agak melenceng itu. Ia mengerti bahwa sejarah dan ajaran Islam akan mengecualikannya dari tanggung jawab di akhirat nanti kalau ia menggunakan kebohongan sbg maneuver strategis militer.

Inipun juga dibuktikan oleh Muhamad sendiri. Ia sering membohong dan memerintahkan pengikutnya utk melakukan yg sama. Alasannya adalah prospek sukses dlm missi menyebarkan Islam akan membatalkan larangan berbohong dari Allah. Sebuah contoh baik adalah pembunuhan Kaab Ibn al-Ashrf, penyair Yahudi dari suku Banu Nadir.
Dilaporkan bahwa Kaab menunjukkan dukungan bagi Quraish dalam perang mereka melawan Muhamad. Juga, Kaab dituduh menulis sajak2 menggiurkan ttg wanita Muslim. Ini membuat Muhamad marah.

Jadi apa yg dilakukan Muhamad ? IA MEMINTA SUKARELAWAN UTK MENGHABISI Kaab Ibn al-Ashraf. Spt dikatakannya sendiri, Kaab telah "Melukai Allah dan rasulNya." Pada saat itu Kaab Ibn al-Ashraf, dan sukunya masih kuat, jadi tidak mudah bagi orang asing utk menyusup dan membunuhnya. Seorang Muslim bernama Ibn Muslima, bersedia utk melakukan tugas ini dgn syarat Muhamad mengijinkannya utk berbohong. Dgn ijin Muhamad, Ibn Muslima, menemui Kaab dan berbohong padanya dgn mengaku tidak senang kpd Muhamad. Saat ia mendapatkan kepercayaan Kaab, suatu malam ia membujuknya agar keluar rumah dan membunuhnya di sebuah tempat terkucil.

Ini mirip dgn cerita pembunuhan Shaaban Ibn Khalid al-Hazly. Dikatakan bahwa Shaaban mengumpulkan tentara utk memerangi Muhamad. Muhamad membalas dgn memerintahkan Abdullah Ibn Anis utk membunuh Shaaban. Lagi2, calon pembunuh itu meminta ijin Muhamad agar dapat berbohong. Muhamad setuju dan lalu memerintahkan agar sang calon pembunuh berbohong dan mengaku dari suku Khazaa. Ketika Shaaban melihat datangnya Abdullah, ia bertanya asal kesukuannya. Abdullah menjawab, "Dari Khazaa." Ia lalu menambahkan, "saya dengar kau sedang mengumpulkan tentara utk memerangi Muhamad dan saya datang utk bergabung dgn mu." Abdullah mulai berjalan dgn Shaaban dan bercerita kpdnya bgm Muhamad datang kpd mereka dgn ajaran palsunya dan mengeluh bahwa Muhamad bergosip ttg para patriarch Arab dan menghancurkan harapan2 Arab. Mereka akhirnya sampai di tenda Shaaban. Saahbat2 Shaaban meninggalkannya dan Shaaban mengundang Abdullah utk masuk dan beristirahat dgnnya. Abdullah duduk disana sampai Shaaban tertidur. Apa yg dilakukannya kemudian ? Ia memenggal kepalanya dan membawanya ke Muhamad sbg trophy. Saat Muhamad melihat Abdullah, ia berteriak dgn girang, "Wajahmu penuh kemenangan (Aflaha al- wajho)." Abdullah membalas salam itu dgn mengatakan, "Wajahmu-lah, Rasulullah yang penuh kemenangan (Aflaha wajhoka, ye rasoul Allah)."


Ini syarat2nya g kebanyakan Muslim cukup mengenalnya:

Perang adalah bentuk penipuan (War is deception.)
Tujuan meghalalkan hal2 yg dilarang
Jika dihadapkan pada 2 kejahatan, pilih yg kurang jahat.

Inilah ayat2 yg dijadikan dasar membohong:

"Allah tidak akan mempertanyakanmu ttg apa yg tidak dapat kau penuhi dalam sumpahmu. … " Surah 5:89

"Allah tidak akan mempertanyakanmu kalau kau tidak memikirkan matang2 sumpahmu (for thoughtlessness (vain) in your oaths), tetapi bagi kemauan dalam hatimu; dan IA
Maha pengampun …" Surah 2:225

"Siapapun yg setelah menerima Allah mengucapkan murtad, kecuali dibawah paksaan, hatinya tetap kuat dlm Iman – tetapi kalau mereka membuka hati mereka bagi Murtad, kemarahan Allah ada pada mereka …" Surah 16: 106

Al-Tabary menjelaskan Surah 16:106 sbg surah yg diturunkan kpd Muhamad setelah ia tahu bahwa Ammar Ibn Yasser dipaksa utk menolak Islam ketika ia diculik oleh
Banu Moghera. Muhamad menenangkan Ammar dgn mengatakan "Jika mereka berbalik, kau ikut berbalik." (Artinya: jika mereka menculikmu kembali, kau boleh menolak saya kembali.)

Ini menunjukkan bahwa kebohongan yg tidak direncanakan bisa diampuni dan bahkan kebohongan yg direncanakanpun bisa ditebus dgn melakukan beberapa hal, spt puasa. Jelas juga, bahwa jika terpaksa Muslim bisa mengambil sumpah (contoh; sumpah kesetiaan kpd Negara lain) dan bahkan berbohong dgn Allah, selama mereka tetap percaya didalam hati mereka.

Dlm Hadis, Muhamad mengeaskan konsep ini.

Dari "Ehiaa Oloum al-Din," oleh al-Ghazali, Vol. 3: PP.284-287:

Salah seorang puteri Muhamad, Umm Kalthoum, mengatakan bahwa ia tidak pernah mendengar rasulullah mensahkan kebohongan kecuali dlm 3 situasi:
Rekonsiliasi antara pihak2 yg bersengketa
Dlm Perang
Diantara suami isteri,utk menjaga kerukunan RT

Hadis mengutip Muhamad sbg mengatakan: "Para putera Adam bertanggung jawab ata skebohongan kecuali yg diucapkan utk mendamaikan Muslim."

Hadis lain lagi menyebut, "Aba Kahl, damaikan orang2."(artinya: bahkan lewat kebohongan)

Bgm dgn yg satu ini "Para putera Adam bertanggung jawab atas semua kebohongan kecuali : selama perang, karena perang adalah penipuan, utk mendamaikan 2 lelaki yg cekcok dan bagi lelaki utk menenangkan isterinya."

Prinsip Al-Taqgiya

Kata "Taqqiya", berate "menghindari," atau menjaga dari. Prinsip ini mengajarkna bwha Muslim diijinkan utk berbohong utk menghindari luka2, kerugian terhdp dirinya atau sesama Muslim. Prinsip ini memberi kebebasan bagi Muslim utk berbohong dlm keadaan yg mereka anggap mengancam nyawa. Mereka dapat menolak agama mereka, selama mereka dalam hati tetap beriman.

Al-Taqqiya didasarkan pada ayat ini:

"Janganlah orang beriman mengambil sbg teman dan pembantu para kafir ketimbang sesama orang beriman: jika kalian melakukannya, Allah tidak akan memberikanmu bantuan: kecuali dlm hal pencegahan, agar kau dapat melindungi dirimu dari mereka. Tapi Allah memperingatimu agar hanya mengingatNya; karena tujuan utama adalah bagi Allah." Surah 3: 28

Jadi, Muslim boleh berpura2 baik2 dgn Kafir dan berpura2 sbg kafir utk menghindari kerugian.

Berdasarkan konsep taqqiya, adalah sah bagi Muslim utk berlaku bertentangan dgn agama mereka, misalnya:
Meminum anggur, melupakan sholat dan puasa selama Ramadan.
Menyatakan ketidakpercayaan kpd Allah.
Bersujud kpd dewa selain Allah.
Mengucapkan sumpah setia.

Dampak Al-Taqqiya

Jadi hati2 kalau Muslim nampak jujur dan baik hati. Kenyataannya hati mereka memiliki agenda bertentangan.

Dlm hal politik internasional, pertanyaannya adalah: Bisakah negara2 Muslim dipercaya utk mematuhi perjanjian2 yg mereka sepakati dgn negara2 non-Muslim ? Praktek menunjukkan bahwa saat Muslim masih lemah, mereka menyepakati apapun.
Begitu mereka kuat, mereka akan membatalkan segala perjanjian/sumpah yg pernah mereka lakukan.

Aktivis Muslim sudah sering terbukti melakukan taktik penipuan dlm menyebarkan agama Islam dgn memoles arti Islam dan membuatnya nampak menarik bagi pendatang baru. Mereka dgn sengaja menghindar dari ayat2 dan ajaran yang biadab.

Contoh penipuan ini adalah, aktivis Muslim hanya mengutip ayat2 Mekah (ayat2 damai, ketika Muhamad masih lemah) yang memang berbunyi damai dan mengajarkan toleransi. Tetapi mereka tahu penuh bahwa ayat2 ini sudah DI-ABROGASI/DIBATALKAN oleh ayat kemudian setelah ia hijrah dan berkuasa di Medinah. Ayat2 ini penuh dgn kecurigaan dan kekejaman terhadap non-Muslim.

Kesimpulan, perlu dimengerti bahwa dalam menghadapi Muslim jangan percaya mentah2 apa yg dikatakannya. Masalahnya adalah bgm kita mengetahui apa yg disimpannya dalam hatinya.

Doktrin Penipuan dalam Islam

Keahlian, Persona, Penipuan, Disinformasi Istilah-istilah di atas adalah istilah dan metode operasional Dunia Barat. Tetapi kaum teroris yang beragama Islam memiliki istilah-istilah sendiri yang khusus: taqiyya (tark-e-ya): disinformasi atau penipuan sebagai tindakan preventatif demi merahasiakan niat, keyakinan dan rencana. Istilah serupa lain, kitman, mempunyai arti menahan diri secara mental dan kebohongan atau menutupi niat jahat ...

Taqiyya dan kitman atau ‘kemunafikan kudus’ telah mendarahdaging dalam kebudayaan Arab selama 1400 tahun sejak dikembangkan oleh kaum Shi’a sebagai alat bela diri dan menyembunyikan keyakinan terhadap kaum Sunni yang tidak percaya. Sebagaimana nabi Muhammad katakan: “dia yang memelihara rahasia akan segera mencapai tujuannya.’

Penggunaan taqiyya dan kitman secara ahli sering merupakan soal hidup atau mati dalam pertempuran dengan musuh; hal ini juga merupakan soal hidup atau mati bagi banyak teroris Islamis masa kini. Sebagaimana telah sering terjadi dalam sejarah Islam, suatu doktrin theologia telah menjadi operasional kembali.

Pada waktu Penganiayaan Spanyol, kaum Sunni Moriscos menghadiri misa lalu pulang ke rumah dan mencuci tangannya dari ‘air kudus’. Dalam arti operasional, taqiyya dan kitman telah mengizinkan kaum ‘mujahidin’ menyamar dengan identitas apapun demi melaksanakan misinya. Mereka telah memiliki dukungan doktrin dan theologia dan kemudian izin ahli-ahli agama agar menyamar sebagai orang Yahudi atau orang Kristen to agar memperoleh akses pada target-target Kristen dan Yahudi: ‘kaum mujahidin boleh mengambil rupa kaum musuh’.

Taqiyya adalah biasa dalam pembahasan Muslim Shi’a dan Sunni dan memiliki implikasi dalam memahami fundamentalisme dan kegiatan kaum teroris. Teori dan praktek lawan terorisme justru tak beruntung, tak berarti, bahkan merugikan, tanpa memahami taqiyya dan kitman dan pentingnya peranan penipuan dalam hukum Islam sampai kepada panduan pelatihan Al Qaeda, yang muat instruksi-instruksi terinci tentang penggunaan penipuan oleh kelompok teroris dalam negara-negara sasaran di Dunia Barat.

Menurut etika Kristiani berbohong adalah dosa; dalam hukum dan teologia dalam agama Islam, penggunaan taqiyya untuk melawan kaum kafir dianggap suatu kesalehan bahkan kewajiban agama.

an akramakum 9inda allaah itqaakum inna allah 9aliim xabiir.
"Sesungguhnya yang terhormat di antaramu di hadapan Allah adalah yang paling taat agama di antaramu; sesungguhnya, Allah mengetahui dan menyadarinya!" 49:13

Kaum Shi'ah menafsirkan kalimat di atas sebagai "dia yang di antaramu yang paling banyak menggunakan taqiyya"

Seperti banyak konsep dalam Islam taqiyya dan kitman dibentuk dalam konteks perjumpaan sukuisme dan peperangan ekspansionis Arab-Islam. Taqiyya sudah digunakan orang-orang Muslim sejak Abad ke-7 demi membingunkan dan memecahbelah musuh-musuhnya. Suatu taktik favorit disebut ‘penipuan segitiga’; untuk meyakinkan musuh bahwa jihad tidak ditujukan kepada mereka tetapi pada musuh lain. Taktik lain adalah menyangkalu adanya suatu jihad. Nasib kaum sasaran karena penilaian salah seperti itu adalah kekalahan dan kematian.

Sydney NSW Australia: 2 November 2002

Syeik Taj el-Din al Hilaly, Mufti Besar Australia yang penuh kontroversi, telah menikmati makan siang bersama dengan kawan kepercayaannya Keysar Trad. Seorang wartawan telah menulis tentang pertemuan tersebut dan mencatat:

’Beberapa kali, waktu jawaban terus terang dan langsung terhadap pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang isi Al Qur’an hanya memohonkan jawaban sederhana saja, ‘ya’ atau ‘tidak’, ternyata kedua-duanya telah menghindari isu-isu pembahasan dengan membicarakan kesulitan menerjemahkan bagian ayat-ayat itu dari bahasa Arab ke bahasa Inggris.’

Dengan mencatat sikap meremehkan kata-kata kebencian dan agresif yang besifat anti-Semitisme yang diucapkannya pada tahun 1998, wartawan itu merenungkan:

'Saya hanya dapat menduga-duga isi pikiran tamu saya, yang juga memuji bom-bom bunuh diri belakangan ini, dan untuk membiarkan kata-katanya yang jahat dan ngeri dengan begitu mudah dan tanpa bermaafan sedikitpun. Sepertinya sudah jelas bahwa dia sedang mempertimbangkan bagaimana caranya kata-katanya akan ditafsirkan oleh para pembaca Al-Qur’an The Sunday Telegraph yang banyak dan yang sangat berpengaruh huge khususnya ketika diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Arab untuk diperdebatkan masyarakat Muslim. Dengan demikian dia sedang jalan di ambang kesulitan besar.'

Seorang wartawan berpengalaman tidak akan bingung karena para pembaca tujuan Syeik itu adalah orang Australia dan bukan pembaca Arab. Taqiyya, atau disinformasi, adalah suatu taktik dan kunci utama dalam pembahasan umum Islam yang membingungkan pembaca atau pendengar Barat. Memang inilah tujuannya, menurut Al-Qur’an:
“Janganlah orang-orang percaya mengambil orang-orang kafir menjadi sahabat atau wali daripada orang-orang percaya. Barang siapa berbuat demikian, niscaya lepaslah ia dari pertolongan Allah kecuali dengan jalan (siasat) untuk memelihara diri.” 3:28

Al Taqiyya adalah dengan lidah saja; bukan dari hati. Seorang percaya boleh mengatakan apa saja asal ‘hati merasa enak'. Para teroris 9/11 telah hidup dan mengunjungi Amerika Serikat selama dua tahun sebelum serangan 9/11. Bagaimana mereka menyesuaikan diri dengan kebudayaan Amerika? Dengan menggunakan taqiyya. Artinya: Saya membenci kamu tetapi saya akan bersenyum padamu di muka umum.

Taqiyya dan ‘Mengakali’ dalam pembahasa politik kontemporer dan perdebatan

Mengakali: Jurubicara Islam sering menggunakan taqiyya sebagai cara ‘mengakali’ para pendengar. Isi dalam pembahasan tidak boleh diperdebatkan; sebaliknya lawannya harus ‘diakali’ dengan taqiyya, dengan membelokkan topik dan mengaburkan dengan dibantu sewaktu-waktu dengan referensi mistik tentang Allah.

Klaim bahwa kesulitan dalam menerjemahkan dari bahasa Arab ke bahasa Inggris membuat komunikasi dengan orang yang tidak tahu bahasa Arab sangat sulit atau mustahil, juga merupakan cara mengakali lawan. Taktik menggunakan seorang penerjemah punya untung besar.

Role playing sebagai korban atau viktim: Mengklaim diri adalah ‘korban’ diskriminasi religius dan intolerans setiap kali dalam debat atau diskusi adalah cara lain untuk mengubah arah pembahasan sebagai cara ‘mengakali’ lawan.

Manipulasikan ketidakjelasan: Syeik Hilaly di Sydney, Australia dalam catatan umum dinyatakan sebagai orang yang (a) ‘mengutuk’ serangan 9/11 dengan kata-kata yang kurang jelas dan (b) memuji pelaku pemboman cara bunuh diri dalam kegiatan syuhada. Namun, jubir Islam jarang sekali akan mengeritik sebuah perbuatan terorisme yang spesifik dan bila ditanya langsung maka jawabannya menghindar topik yang ditanyai.

Diversion atau merubah topik: Misalnya, pertanyaan-pertanyaan berkaitan dengan serangan teroris 9/11 akan diarahkan ke topik lain dengan menyebut masalah Palestina yang tak releven, peranan Israel dan kebijakan luar negeri Amerika Serikat dan dukungannya untuk Israel sebagai ‘penyebab’ terorisme.

Anti-Semitisme, suatu keyakinan mendasar dalam fundamentalisme Islam juga dialihkan dengan cara=cara licik dengan memutarbalikkan fakta-fakta sejarah dengan mengemukakan bahwa orang-orang Yahudi telah memiliki status terhormat di bawah pemerintahan Islam dan dengan demikian mereka mengalihkan perhatian dari sikap anti-Semitisme yang sebenarnya dimilikinya.

Menuntut ‘bukti’: Jubir-jubir Islam menggunakan sejenis taqiyya yang disebut dalam psikologi sebagai ‘cognitive denial’ atau ‘penolakan dalam pikiran’ dengan mengulangi permintaan-permintaan ekstrim untuk ‘bukti’ perbuatan terorisme, yang mereka tahu tak boleh dinyatakan atau diekspos.

Taqiyya dan Perang Propaganda Islamis

Author: Frankly Speaking on Saturday, September 02, 2006

Siapa yang berbicara kebenaran? Siapakah dapat kita percaya? Salah satu pillar demokrasi barat modern adalah kebebasan press. Jurnalis bebas utk melaporkan segala hal, baik dan buruk yang berlangsung dalam dunia ini, tanpai khawatir akan dianiaya oleh penguasa. Jurnalis Carl Bernstein dan Bob Woodward-lah (Washington Post) yang membongkar skandal Watergate yang akhirnya berakhir pada lengser-nya Presiden Richard Nixon. Bernstein dan Woodward sangat dihargai dan dianggap pahlawan dan disejajarkan dengan para jurnalis prestigius lainnya semisal Herbert Bayard, Alva Johnson, Mary McGrory dan banyak lagi pemenang Pulitzer Prize [1].

Kadang2 seorang jurnalis tidak beretika membumbu2i, membesar-besarkan, atau terang2an berbohong. Cepat lambat buah2 press busuk ini pasti terungkap. Lembaga yang memperkerjakan mereka akan menerbitkan pernyataan maaf dan ralat resmi. Tidak usah ditanya lagi para wartawan yang memalukan ini akan dipecat, namanya cacad, dan tidak bakal diterima lagi di kantor2 berita ternama mana pun. Inilah nasib para jurnalis nakal macam Jason Blair (New York Times), Janet Cooke (Washington Post) dan Patricia Smith (Boston Globe) di antara yang lain2nya [2].

Seperti diketahui umum, kantor berita Islamic tidak menuruti pedoman2 ketat seperti di barat [3]. Segelintir suara yang mengekspresikan kritik terhadap para pemimpin atau masyarakatnya akan seringkali di-intimidasi/ancam, dibunuh, dibui atau diasingkan [4]. Tidak ada kebebasan press dalam artinya yang harafiah. Berita itu baru namanya bebas hanya jika isinya kritis terhadap Israel atau terhadap Barat yang demokratis dan jika memuji-muji, menghias/menyohor-nyohorkan atau membesar-besarkan pencapaian para pemimpin Islam. Inilah di mana Taqiyya bermain.

Apakah itu Taqiyya? Kata "al-Taqiyya" secara harafiah berarti: "Menutup-nutupi atau menyamarkan keyakinan, kepercayaan, idea, perasaan, pendapat, dan/atau taktik-strategi pribadi seseorang pada saat menghadapi bahaya, baik sekarang maupun nantinya, untuk menjaga dirinya supaya jangan sampai terluka secara lahir maupun bathin." Satu kata terjemahan yang pas adalah "Dissimulation=Pura-pura[5]. "

Dengan memperhatikan Taqiyya jelaslah bagaimana klaim-klaim heboh terdengar dalam media Arab. Dalam beberapa kasus bahkan sampai lolos masuk ke media barat juga. Tengoklah kasus skandal Reuters dengan foto2 yang direkayasa [6]. Adnan Hajj, sang fotografer yang merekayasa foto2 tersebut akhirnya dipecat. Reuters menarik kembali edarannya dan meminta maaf, namun kehilangan kredibilitas dan nama baiknya.

Kasus lain Taqiyya dalam media adalah penemuan2 ilmiah dari budaya2 lain yang dipakai Muslim untuk menghubung2kan hal2 tersebut dengan mereka. Contoh2 banyak sekali, penemuan kopi, fotografi, catur, sabun, parasut, distilasi, jam air, aljabar, crankshaft, alat2 bedah, dll. Detil2 penjelasannya bisa dilihat di sini Cryptic Subterranean's blog [7]. Blog ini adalah sarana expose yang excellent dan termasuk dalamnya sumber2 yang dapat dichek kesahihannya.

Sebelum 9/11 Muslim2 sudah merasa terancam; tertekan oleh kebudayaan barat yang selalu merongrong, teknologinya, kekuatan ekonominya dan kebebasannya. Tambah lagi invasi ke Afganistan dan Iraq dan perasaan mereka jadilah makin bertambah2 paranoia.

Jadi apakah yang masyarat relijius lakukan sewaktu tersudut? Mereka mencari jawaban dalam agama mereka.

Inilah dalil-dalil dari Qur'an:

"Any one who, after accepting faith in Allah, utters Unbelief, except under compulsion, his heart remaining firm in Faith, but such as open their breast to Unbelief, on them is Wrath from Allah, and theirs will be a dreadful Penalty" Sura 16:106

[106] Barang siapa yang kafir kepada Allah sesudah dia beriman (dia mendapat kemurkaan Allah), kecuali orang yang dipaksa kafir padahal hatinya tetap tenang dalam beriman (dia tidak berdosa), akan tetapi orang yang melapangkan dadanya untuk kekafiran, maka kemurkaan Allah menimpanya dan baginya azab yang besar.

Dengan kata lain, berdusta di-ridhoi asalkan bertujuan menjaga iman kepada Allah. [8].

"[Shakir 3:28] Let not the believers take the unbelievers for friends (awliyaa) rather than believers; and whoever does this, he shall have nothing of (the guardianship of) Allah, but you should guard (tat-taqooh) yourselves against them, guarding carefully (tuqatan); and Allah makes you cautious of (retribution from) Himself; and to Allah is the eventual coming[8]."

[28] Janganlah orang-orang mukmin mengambil orang-orang kafir menjadi wali dengan meninggalkan orang-orang mukmin. Barang siapa berbuat demikian, niscaya lepaslah ia dari pertolongan Allah kecuali karena (siasat) memelihara diri dari sesuatu yang ditakuti dari mereka. Dan Allah memperingatkan kamu terhadap diri (siksa) Nya. Dan hanya kepada Allah kembali (mu).

Muslim tidak terikat kepada unsur kesetiaan, saling-hormat atau saling-percaya dengan kafirun/non-muslim, karena itu bagi mereka sah-sah saja mengibuli para kafirun.

NOTE: Dua kata "tat-taqooh" dan "tuqatan," sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam Arabic Qur’an, DUA-DUANYA berasal dari akar yang sama "al-Taqiyya."[9]

Sejarah ringkas al-Taqiyya dalam Islam[10]


Penggunaan taktik Taqiyya secara sejarah pertama kali dipakai semasa Muhammad, menurut tradisi Muslim, bani Quraish mulai menyiksa Muslim2. Ammar ibn Yasir, seorang pengikut Muhammad, yang konon teman2nya dibunuh oleh Quraish karena jadi Muslim, diperhadapkan dengan seorang Quraisy. 'Ammar berpura-pura menyangkal Islam dan dengan demikian menyelamatkan jiwanya. Menurut sebuah hadis sahih, nabi Muhammad kemudian memberikan izin kepadanya untuk mengulangi perbuatan seperti itu jika dirinya terancam lagi.

Kebanyakan kaum Sunni mengkritik perbuatan Ammar atau mempertanyakan kesahihan riwayat di atas. Kaum Sunni mengutip contoh2 yang konon banyak Muslim disiksa dan dibunuh semata2 krn kepercayaannya semasa hidup Muhammad, Umayyad dan Abbasids namun tidak menyangkal iman mereka. Sbg. contoh, orang-tua Ammar dua2nya dianiaya dan dibunuh di hadapan Ammar namun tidak menyangkal iman mereka. Kebanyakan Sunni yakin bahwa Allah yang menentukan kapan seseorang harus mati. Karena itu, bagi mereka, adalah salah untuk menyangkali iman supaya lolos dari siksaan atau maut. Kontras dengan kaum Shi'ah dan beberapa kalangan Sunni yang percaya bahwa hidup ini adalah pemberian Tuhan dan harus dijaga baik2. Dalam situasi darurat pemeliharaan nyawa adalah di atas segalanya, dalam hal serupa juga diizinkan untuk memakan daging babi semasa bahaya kelaparan.


Sa'id ibn Zayd dan Fatimah binti al-Khattab ketika kawin dan keduanya menyembunyikan kepercayaan mereka dari Umar ibn al-Khattab, sampai Umar mendapati bahwa mereka adalah Muslim. Hari itu Umar juga menjadi Muslim.


Kritikus dari presiden Argentina Carlos Saúl Menem yang keturunan Syria telah membantah pindah agamanya ke Kristen pada awal2 masanya sebagi taqiyya belaka. .


Bukan karangan atau khayalan bahwa Muslim berdusta pada kita. Mereka mengelabui karena mereka merasa terancam. Muslim menipu dalam rangka menutup-nutupi seramnya Islam dan perbuatan2 mereka sendiri. Muslim mengakali kita karena sepanjang sejarahnya yang 1400 tahun satu2nya sumbangsih mereka yang dapat diingat baik2 adalah terorisme belaka.

Muslim mengkadali kita karena mereka tidak mau kita sampai tahu kebencian2 yang dikotbahkan oleh Qur'an. Muslim berdusta untuk memompa rasa ego mereka. Mereka berkhayal bahwa budaya terkebelakang mereka sebetulnya telah berhasil mencapai sesuatu di luar terorisme. Muslim mengkelecehi supaya mereka dapat meng-islam-kan orang2 yang naif dan/atau cuek bebek. Muslim2 menkhayal; menyangkal dan menolak kebenaran sebenarnya; meyakini bahwa tidak seorang pun dapat lolos dari tekanan-intimidasi dan cara2 cuci-otak mereka, dan muslim terus percaya bahwa Islam adalah satu-satunya agama yang benar.

Apa yang dapat kita harapkan? Al-Qur'an adalah sebuah kebohongan dan dipupuk-dipelihara-dikembangkan oleh para penipu, juga menganjurkan tipu-menipu. Apa yang ditebar juga itulah yang dipanen.
Masih ada harapan dalam jiwa manusia. Seperti yang pernah dikatakan Bob Marley: "...kau dapat membodohi seseorang kadang2, kau dapat menipu beberapa orang setiap saat, tapi kau tak dapat bisa menipu semua orang sepanjang waktu'...
“…you can fool everybody sometimes, you can fool some people all the time, but you can’t fool everybody all the time’… ... e&pageid=2

AGENDA IMPERIALISME ISLAM : perang antar peradaban

Damai dlm Islam HANYA eksis dlm dunia Islam; damai hanya tercapai antara sesama Muslim. Bukan antara Muslim - nonMuslim

Bagi non-Muslim hanya ada satu solusi: gencatan senjata sampai Muslim bisa meraih cukup kekuatan. Ini perang sampai hari kiamat. Damai hanya datang jika Islam menang. Kedua peradaban hanya bisa mendapatkan periode2 gencatan senjata.

Gencatan senjata dlm islam memiliki preseden penting yg kebetulan disebut Yasser Arafat di Johannesburg setelah menandatangani Perjanjian Oslo dgn Israel, 1993.

Saya ingin mengingatkan anda bahwa dokumen ini berbicara ttg PERDAMAIAN. Beberapa minggu setelah ditandatanganinya Perjanjian Oslo, Arafat pergi ke Johannesburg, dan di sebuah mesjid ia membuat pidato dimana ia MEMINTA MAAF, "Apakah anda merasa saya menandatangani dgn Yahudi sesuatu yg menentang aturan Islam?" (Saya memiliki rekaman pidato Arafat ini.) Dilanjutkannya, "Bukan.SAYA MELAKUKAN SESUATU YG PERSIS DILAKUKAN NABI MUHAMAD."

Appaun yg dilakukan nabi menjadi preseden. Arafat mengatakan, "Ingatkah anda cerita Hudaybiya." Nabi membuat perjanjian dgn Bani Quraish selama 10 tahun. Tapi lalu ia melatih 10.000 tentara dan dalam 2 tahun berbaris menuju kota Quraish, Mekah.

Jadi, dlm yurisdiksi Islam, kau hanya diijinkan berdamai selama maximum 10 tahun. Kedua, begitu kau mampu, kau harus memulihkan jihad [baca: membatalkan perjanjian "damai"].

Kita di Israel, memerlukan 50 tahun utk mengerti bahwa damai abadi tidak akan pernah tercapai dgn Muslim. Dunia barat memerlukan paling tidak 50 tahun lagi utk mengerti bahwa mereka berada dalam perang dgn Islam yg alot dan tidak akan berubah. Jadi kita harus mengerti : kalau kita bicara ttg damai dan perang, kita tidak berbicara dgn terminologi Belgia, Perancis, Inggris, atau Jerman. Kita berbicara ttg Perang dlm terminologi Islam.

Gencatan Senjata sbg TAKTIK
Apa yg membuat Islam menerima gencatan senjata ? Hanya satu hal - saat musuh terlalu kuat. Ini pilihan taktis.

Dan camkan bahwa pada detik Muslim radikal memiliki senjata atom, kimia atau biologis, mereka akan menggunakannya. Saya sama sekali tidak meragukannya.

Isra Miraj

Karena butuh banyak sumber untuk membuat agama barunya, Muhammad pun tak menolak ide2 cerita yang berasal dari agama Zoroastria dari Persia. Kitab suci Zoroastria bernama Hadhoxt Nask. Masyarakat Arab banyak berhubungan dengan masyarakat Persia untuk keperluan perdagangan. Banyak kata Persia yang terserap ke dalam perbendaharaan kata Arab. Salah satu contoh pengaruh Persia dalam Islam yang paling jelas tampak pada kisah Isra Miraj yang ditulis di Hadis Sahih Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 93, Number 608.
Hadisnya panjang sekali, silakan baca sendiri. Ini versi pendeknya yang ditulis oleh Tisdal, W., “Original Sources of Islam”, hal. 78
Muhammad berkata:
Jibril menaikkanku ke atas Buraq yang kemudian membawaku naik ke surga lapisan terbawah. Jibril meminta gerbang pintu dibuka. “Siapakah itu?” tanya sebuah suara. “Ini adalah Jibril.” “Siapakah yang datang bersamamu?” “Ini adalah Muhammad.” “Apakah dia dipanggil?” “O iya!” jawab Jibril. “Kalau begitu persilakan dia masuk; sungguh bagus dia telah datang ke sini.” Dan dengan begitu pintu gerbang dibuka. Silakan masuk, kata Jibril, Ini adalah ayahmu Adam, beri salam padanya. Maka aku memberi salam padanya, dan dia pun membalas salamku sambil berkata “Selamat datang wahai Nabi yang hebat.” Lalu Jibril membawaku ke surga tingkat dua, dan lihat ada Isa A.S. Di surga tingkat tiga terdapat Yusuf; di surga tingkat empat terdapat Idris (Enokh); di surga tingkat lima terdapat Harun; dan di surga tingkat enam terdapat Musa. Setelah Musa membalas salam dariku, dia menangis dan menerangkan sebabnya mengapa dia menangis: “Aku menangis karena lebih banyak pengikutmu yang masuk surga dibandingkan pengikutku.” Lalu kami menuju ke surga ke tingkat tujuh. “Ini adalah ayahmu Abraham,” kata Jibril, dan pertukaran salam pun terjadi seperti sebelumnya. Akhirnya kami sampai ke bagian akhir di mana terdapat buah2an yang indah dan dedaunan seperti kuping gajah. “Ini,” kata Jibril, “adalah surga yang terakhir; dan lihat! Ada empat sungai, dua di dalam, dan dua di luar.” “Apakah ini, wahai Jibril” tanyaku. Yang di dalam, katanya adalah sungai2 surgawi, dan yang di luar adalah sungai Nil dan Eufrata.

Kisah Isra Miraj ini dapat dibandingkan dengan kitab Pahlavi (bagian dari ajaran Zoroastria dari Persia Tengah) yang berjudul Arta (atau juga disebut Artay) Viraf yang ditulis ratusan tahun sebelum Muhammad menciptakan Islam (Tisdal, hal. 80). Pendeta2 Zoroastria merasa iman mereka berkurang sehingga mereka mengirim Arta Viraf ke surga untuk mengetahui apa yang sedang terjadi di sana. Arta mengunjungi setiap lapisan surga dan akhirnya kembali ke bumi untuk memberitahu pengikutnya apa yang telah dia lihat:
Tempat pertama yang kami kunjungi adalah surga lapisan terbawah;… dan di sana kami melihat Malaikat yang diberi Sang Maha Suci cahaya yang menyala, indah, dan agung. Dan aku bertanya kepada Sorash yang suci dan Azar sang malaikat: “Tempat apakah ini, dan siapakah mereka itu? “[Arta juga kemudian naik ke surga lapisan ke dua dan ke tiga.] “Bangkit dari singgasananya yang berlapiskan emas, Bahman sang Malaikat Penghulu membimbingku, sampai dirinya dan aku bertempu Ormazd bersama kawanan malaikat dan pemimpin2 surgawi, semua bercahaya sangat kemilau dan aku belum pernah melihat hal ini sebelumnya. Pemimpinku berkata: Ini adalah Ormazd. Aku memberi salam kepadanya, dan dia berkata dia gembira menyambutku dari dunia fana ke tempat yang terang dan sempurna…. Akhirnya, kata Arta, pengantarku dan sang Malaikat yang bercahaya selesai menunjukkan surga padaku dan mereka lalu membawaku untuk melihat neraka; dan dari tempat yang gelap dan mengerikan itu, mereka membawaku ke atas ke tempat indah di mana terdapat Ormazd dan kawanan malaikatnya. Aku ingin memberi salam padanya, tapi Ormazd dengan anggunnya berkata: Arta Viraf, kembalilah ke dunia fana, kau telah melihat dan mengenal Ormazd, karena akulah dia; aku mengenal siapapun yang jujur dan bajik.

Selain ceritanya sama, coba lihat gambar Buraq yang ditunggangi Muhammad.
Buraq ini jelas merupakan tiruan dari Spynx Mesir atau Gyphron (binatang dongeng dari Assyria):
Image Image

Videos, Jihad Funnies

Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Truth About Islam

By Dr. David R. Reagan

Ever since the Attack on America on September 11, 2001, we have heard a never-ending chorus of voices from government, academia, and the media assuring us that the Islamic terrorists who attacked the Trade Towers and the Pentagon are not repre sentative of “true Islam.” We have been likewise assured by spiritual leaders — even some Christian spokesmen — that Islam is a religion of peace, and that Muslims worship the same God as Christians and Jews.

“Our war is not against Islam,” we have been told repeatedly. “Our war is against terrorism.”

Central Questions

Well, what about it?

Are Muslims the spiritual brothers and sisters of Christians and Jews?

Do we all worship the same God?

Are the Islamic holy scriptures, known as the Koran, inspired by God?

Is Islam another path to God by which one can attain eternal life?

Are the Islamic fundamentalists representative of true Islam, or are they a terrible aberration of an otherwise peace-loving religion?

Is our war really a political one against international terrorists, or is it a spiritual battle against a demonic, intolerant, militant, and imperialistic religion known as Islam?

An Historical Perspective on Islam

Let’s begin our consideration of these questions with some historical background.

Muhammad, the man who dictated the Koran and gave birth to Islam, was born in Mecca in the Saudi Arabian peninsula in 570 A.D. His father died before he was born, and his mother died when he was six years old. He was raised first by a grand father and later by an uncle.

Muhammad was illiterate throughout his life. Until the age of 25 he worked in caravans. During his extensive travels, he encountered many Christians and Jews. Through his conversations with them, he picked up bits and pieces of both Judaism and Christianity.

His life was radically changed at age 25 when he met a wealthy widow 40 years old who fell in love with him. Their marriage enabled Muhammad to live a life of leisure from that point on.

Muhammad’s Call

Fifteen years after his marriage, at age 40, Muhammad had a visitation from a spirit. Supposedly, this spirit told him that he was called of God to be a “prophet” and an “apostle.” It is in­teresting to note that there was no tradition in Arabian religions of either prophets or apostles. These terms were obviously used by Muhammad to appeal to Jews and Christians.

Muhammad continued to have spirit visitations. They would throw him into a trance, and his utterances during the trances were written down by scribes. These ethereal statements became the Koran, but they were not compiled until after Muhammad’s death. When the compilation was made, the utterances were not organized either chronologically or by subject matter. The result was a jumble of disorganized and often incoherent sayings which are frequently contradictory.

For example, the Koran1 gives four conflicting accounts of Muhammad’s call to be a prophet [the word, Sura, means chapter]:

Suras 53 and 81 — God, or Allah as he is called in Arabic, personally appeared to Muhammad.

Suras 16 and 26 — The call was from the Holy Spirit.

Sura 15 — Angels issued the call.

Sura 2 — Gabriel was the one who appeared to him.

Muhammad’s Revelations

At the time Muhammad received his initial visitation, there were over 300 gods being worshiped in Mecca by pilgrims who came there each year to pray at the Ka’aba, a small cubic building that housed a black meteorite and effigies of the various gods. One of those gods was Allah, the moon god.

Muhammad decided to proclaim that there was only one god — and he selected Allah as that god. That’s the reason the crescent moon became the symbol of Islam. Muhammad also proclaimed that he was the prophet of Allah.

Initially, Muhammad expected both Jews and Christians to receive his new revelation. Thus, early passages in the Koran speak admiringly of “the people of the Book.” These are the passages that Muslims in the West love to quote in their effort to prove that Islam is a tolerant religion. An example is Sura 5:82 which says, “You will find that those who are nearest in love to the believers [Muslims] are those who say, ‘We are Christians.’”

Muhammad’s Rejection

But when Jews and Christians rejected Muhammad, he turned fiercely against them, and later passages in the Koran speak of them disparagingly:

Sura 5:51 commands Muslims not to take Jews and Christians as friends.

Sura 9:29 commands Muslims to fight against Jews and Christians until they either submit to Allah or else agree to pay a special tax.

Sura 2:65-66 and Sura 5:60 contain references to Jews as “apes and swine to be despised and rejected.” (Think of that! You can be sure that such a statement did not come from the true God of this universe who selected the Jews to be His Chosen People.) Jews and Christians were not the only ones who rejected Muhammad’s new revelations. The people of his own tribe, the Quraysh, also rejected him. In response, Muhammad succumbed to the temptation to appease his tribe by announcing that it would be okay for them to worship the three daughters of Allah — named Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Ma nat.

This declaration led to the infamous “Satanic verses” of the Koran which were later deleted when Muhammad reverted back to monotheism. Muslims have tried ever since to cover-up this diversion from the faith. You may remember that in 1989 an Indian writer by the name of Salman Rushdie brought up this taboo topic when he wrote a novel entitled, The Satanic Verses. The Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran condemned him and called for his assassination. A three million dollar bounty was placed on his head, and he has been in hiding ever since.

Muhammad’s Trek

The opposition to Muhammad in his home town of Mecca continued to grow until he was forced to flee 250 miles to Medina where his message was received. The Islamic calendar dates from this year when Muhammad fled to Medina and found a receptive audience, resulting in the formal establishment of Islam as a religion. It was the year 622 A.D., and that date represents year one of the Muslim calendar, which is a lunar calendar. The year 2001 is the year 1422 in the Muslim dating system.

After the death of his wife, Muhammad married at least 11 other women (some sources place the total as high as 16). He also took several concubines. He married one girl who was only six years old and had sexual relations with her when she was 9.2 According to the Koran, only the prophet could have unlimited wives. All other Muslim men are limited to four (Sura 4:3).

Muhammad died on June 8, 632 A.D. in Medina at age 63. He left no successor, and Islam soon broke into warring sects such as the Shiites and the Sunnis.

The Spread of Islam

All of those who survived Muhammad took up the sword, as directed by the Koran, and devoted themselves to advancing Islam through military might. The resulting spread of the religion was phenomenal. Within a century, Islamic forces had conquered Saudi Arabia, the entire Middle East, Central Asia, and large parts of India. The armies raged through Egypt and across North Africa, destroying corrupt Byzantine Christianity in their path.

In 710 A.D.3 the Islamic armies crossed the Straits of Gibral tar and quickly conquered three-fourths of Spain and Portugal. They then invaded France and took one-third of the nation. They were 125 miles from Paris when they were miraculously defeated at the Battle of Poitiers (also known as the Battle of Tours) in 732 A.D. by a French army led by Charles Martel. Their influence in Spain lived on for a few more centuries before they were slowly driven back to North Africa.

A second powerful attempt to subjugate all of Europe was made 900 years later in the 17th Century when the Turks began to expand their Ottoman Empire. They took Greece, Yugosla via, Bulgaria, and parts of Romania and Hungary. By 1683 they had reached the gates of Vienna where once again the Western forces won a miraculous victory against overwhelming odds.

Following this second attempt to conquer Europe, Islam fell into a state of depression and stagnation until it was awakened in the 20th Century due to several factors:

The Amassing of Great Wealth — due to the discovery of vast reservoirs of oil in Arab lands.

The Re-establishment of the Nation of Israel — interpreted by Islamic clerics like Khomeini as a judgment of Allah due to Islamic stagnation and apostasy.

The Positioning of U.S. Armed Forces — the placement during the 1990's of American troops throughout the Middle East in response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.

The Encroachment of Western Culture into the Muslim World — due to the penetration of Western movies, television programs, and consumer goods.

The Cultural Nature of Islam

The encroachment of Western culture cannot be stressed too much. It seems trivial to most Westerners, but that is because of the failure to understand that Islam is a cultural religion that deifies 7th Century Arabian culture.4

Westerners tend to view religion as something intensely personal and private, and not as a cultural phenomenon. For example, Christianity is “supra-cultural” in that it allows people to live, dress and eat in accordance with the culture in which they exist. This is not so with Islam. In Islam there is no “secular realm” that is free of religion. Islam regulates every aspect of life to the point that religion, politics, and culture are inseparable. Islam is thus fueled by a subtle form of racism in which 7th Century Arab culture is to be imposed upon all other cultures.

Here are some examples of the cultural nature of Islam:

Political Structure — The tribalism of 7th Century Arabia is the political structure sanctioned by the Koran. The chief has absolute authority. There is no concept of civil rights. This principle is reflected today in the reality that all Islamic countries are ruled by dictators, and civil liberties, like freedom of speech and religion, do not exist.

Prayer — A Muslim is required to pray five times a day toward Mecca. This is a symbol of the underlying cultural imperialism that lies at the heart of Islam. Think of it — what if all Russian Orthodox throughout the world were required to pray toward Moscow? Or, if all Roman Catholics were required to face Rome when they prayed? What if Evangelical Christians were required to pray toward Jerusalem? Such requirements would imply a cultural attachment to the focal point of prayer.

Pilgrimage — A Muslim is required, despite the hardship and cost, to make a pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia once in his lifetime. Again, what if all Christians were required to go to Rome once in their lifetimes?

Dietary Laws — The only foods allowable are those that were acceptable in 7th Century Arabia.

Women — What an illiterate, nomadic tribeswoman wore in the desert in 7th Century Arabia is what is mandated for Muslim women today. The plight of women in Islamic countries today is despicable. They can be kept prisoners in their homes. They cannot appear in public without a covering. They are usually denied the right to vote. They are often denied anything more than a rudimentary education. In strict Islamic countries, women are generally treated as sub-human.5 Sura 4:34 says, “Men are the managers of the affairs of women . . . Those women who are rebellious — admonish them, banish them to their couches, and beat them.”

Punishment — Cruel and unusual punishment is practiced throughout the Islamic world. Incarceration without due process is common. Punishments often include torture, the cutting off of body parts (hands, ears and tongues), the gouging out of eyes, beheading, and public flogging — all representative of 7th Century Arabian culture. The Koran specifically commands that those who disobey Allah are to be tortured (Sura 8:12-14).

Time magazine recently presented a chilling summary of the cultural nature of Islam as it is evidenced in the “moderate” Islamic nation of Saudi Arabia:6

Despite the modernization that took place after the discovery of oil reserves in 1938, Saudi Arabia remains a land where rigid religious and traditional values are strictly enforced. Cinemas and discos are outlawed; men and women are separated in banks, schools, and fast-food restaurants; women must wear veils and are forbidden to drive. Public decency police known as muttawa comb shopping malls searching for women whose loose scarves reveal a curl of hair and forcing store owners to shut during prayer times. Unforgiving Saudi jus tice is on view after the main prayer every Friday, when a swordsman beheads blindfolded murderers, sorcerers, drug smugglers, and other criminals in Riyadh’s “Chop-chop Square.”

The Spiritual Nature of Islam

Islam is a typical works salvation religion centered around a false god. Its fundamental tenets deny the heart of the Christian Gospel, revealing its demonic origin.

The Koran — As I have already pointed out, the holy book of Islam is riddled with contradictions. Consider, for example, what it says about creation. In one place it asserts that Allah created everything in “the twinkling of an eye” (Sura 54:49-50). Elsewhere it says that the time period of the creation was two days (Sura 41:9, 12); four days (Sura 41:10); six days (Suras 7:54, 10:4, and 32:4); in “a day equaling 1,000 years” (Sura 32:5); and also in “50,000 years” (Sura 70:4). That’s a total of six different time periods!

The Koran contains many scientific errors. A crude example is found in Sura 18:8-86 where it says that Alexander the Great followed the setting of the sun and discovered that it went down into the waters of a muddy spring!

Many Arabian fairy tales about genies are contained in the Koran, and the book is also full of historical errors. It presents Mary the mother of Jesus as the sister of Moses and Aaron (obviously confusing her with their sister, Miriam). The Noahic flood is placed in the time of Moses, and the claim is made that one of Noah’s sons refused to enter the Ark and was drowned.

The Koran also pictures Abraham as offering Ishmael as a sacrifice in Mecca, whereas the biblical account has Abraham offering Isaac on Mt. Moriah in the area that would later become the heart of Jerusalem.

God — The Koran asserts that the god of Islam is the God of Christians and Jews (Sura 29:46). Nothing could be farther from the truth.7

The god of Islam, Allah, is most definitely not the God of the Bible. Allah is presented in the Koran as an autocratic ruler who is aloof and arbitrary (Sura 5:40). Allah is unknow able whereas the God of the Bible is knowable (2 Timothy 1:12). Allah is impersonal, unlike the personal God the Scriptures reveal (1 Peter 5:6-7). Allah is unitarian (Sura 4:48) whereas the God of the Bible is trinitarian (2 Corinthians 13:14). Here is what the Koran says about the God of the Bible (Sura 4:171): “Believe in Allah and say not ‘Trinity.’ Cease! It is better for you! Allah is only One God. Far is it removed from his transcendent majesty that he should have a son.”

Allah is capricious (Sura 2:284), whereas the true God is trustworthy. And Allah is never anywhere presented as a god of love — which is the essence of the nature of the true God (1 John 4:7-16).

Jesus — The Koran denies point blank that Jesus was the Son of God (Sura 112:2-3). It also denies His atoning sacrifice by claiming that he never died (Sura 4:157). A substitute died for Him on the Cross. Jesus was translated to Heaven, like Enoch, where He will remain until He returns to kill all pigs, destroy all crosses, and convert the world to Islam. Jesus will marry, reign for 40 years and then die and be buried next to Muhammad in Medina.8 Jesus is characterized in the Koran as nothing more than “an apostle of Allah” (Sura 4:171).

Sin — There is no concept of sin in Islam and therefore no need for forgiveness. Shame replaces sin. Everything is a matter of honor verses dishonor.9 In the Muslim view, man does not need redemption, he only needs some guidance so that he might develop the inherently pure nature with which the Creator has endowed him. If he will be faithful in his prayers, almsgiving and fasting, God is likely to overlook his failures and usher him into Paradise.10

Ethics — The situation determines the appropriate action, not a standard of right and wrong. As an example, Al Ghazzali (1058 - 1111), one of the greatest Muslim theologians, wrote: “Know that a lie is not wrong in itself. If a lie is the only way of obtaining a good result, it is permissible. We must lie when truth leads to unplea sant results.”11 The Koran sanctions revenge: “If anyone transgresses . . . against you, transgress likewise against him” (Sura 2:194).

Salvation — Islam is a religion of works. One obtains favor with Allah by performing the five pillars of the faith:

Reciting the creed that there is one god, Allah, and his prophet is Muhammad.

Praying five times a day toward Mecca.

Giving alms to the poor. Fasting from sunrise to sunset one month a year during the month of Ramadan.

Making a pilgrimage to Mecca. Another way to reach Paradise is to die fighting for Allah (Sura 3:157).

Islam is so works oriented that it teaches that good deeds cancel bad ones (Sura 11:114). In contrast to all this emphasis on works, the true Word of God teaches that it is impossible to earn salvation because it is a gift of God’s grace that is received through faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior (Ephesians 2:8-10).

Heaven — The Islamic Paradise is a place of sensual pleasure consisting of gluttonous feasts and endless sex orgies (Suras 52:17-24; 55:54-56; and 78:32-34).

The Intolerant and Militant Nature of Islam

One of the most controversial issues regarding Islam concerns whether or not it is a militant religion. Muslims in the West argue it is peace-loving. Westerners who have experienced it in the Muslim world argue it is inherently in tolerant and militant.

The Koran itself preaches intolerance toward other religions. Sura 5 contains the following command: “Take not Jews and Christians for friends . . . He among you who takes them for friends is one of them . . . Choose not for friends such of those who received the Scripture before you [Jews and Christians] . . But keep your duty to Allah” (verses 51, 55, 57). Extreme intolerance is commanded in Sura 5:33 — “[For those who do not submit to Allah] their punishment is . . . execution or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet, from the opposite sides, or exile from the land.”

The Koran also expresses an intolerant attitude toward any person who decides to reject the Islamic faith or convert to another religion. Such persons are to be executed (Sura 9:12). In the Hadith (the oral tradition of Muhammad’s sayings) it says “Whoever changes his religion, kill him” (Hadith 9:57). These commands are practiced in all Islamic Fundamentalist countries today.

With regard to militancy, the Koran not only condones it, it commands it:

Fighting is prescribed for you, and [some of] you dislike it. But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knows, and you know not (Sura 2:16).

Fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war (Sura 9:5).

Fight in the way of Allah . . . and slay them [the unbelievers] wherever you find them and drive them out . . . and fight them until . . . religion is for Allah (Sura 2:190-193).

Muhammad is quoted in the Hadith as saying, “The sword is the key of heaven and hell. A drop of blood in the cause of Allah — a night spent in arms [war] — is of more avail than two months of fasting and prayer. Whosoever falls in battle, his sins are forgiven, and at the day of judgment, his limbs shall be supplied by the wings of angels and cherubim.”12

Muslim Propaganda

Muslims living in Western democracies try to defend their religion by quoting Sura 2:256 which says, “There is no compulsion in religion.”

In evaluating this very lonely verse in the Koran, you need to keep in mind first that it was written before Muhammad was rejected by Jews, Christians and his fellow Arabs — before he fled to Medina and started responding in hatred to all his detractors. But even more important is the fact that Islamic teachers themselves argue that this verse was later abrogated, either by the words or actions of Muhammad.13

Some argue that the verse was abrogated by Muhammad’s later orders for his troops to fight until unbelievers were compelled to surrender to Islam.

Others argue it was abrogated by Sura 9:73 which says, “O Prophet, struggle with the unbelievers and hypocrites, and be harsh with them.”

A third group argues that the words of the verse do not mean what they seem to say. They argue the words mean that religion cannot be used to force someone to do some thing evil, but compelling people to accept the truth of Allah is a religious duty.

A fourth group of Islamic clerics accepts the words to mean what they say, but they argue that they were part of Allah’s strategy to advance Islam. While Muslims were weak, Allah spoke through Muhammad and told them to tolerate infidels. But when the Muslims became strong, Allah commanded them to cease being tolerant and attack and subdue the infidels. The bottom line is that regardless of the explanation, the result is the same — the verse has been abrogated, and infidels must embrace Islam or face death.

Muslims sometimes counter by pointing to the intolerance and violence that have characterized both Jews and Christians at certain times in their histories. They point to the slaughter of the Canaanites when the Jews took the Promised Land under the leadership of Joshua. And, of course, they point to the Christian Crusades in the Middle Ages. Using these examples, they accuse Jews and Christians of being hypocritical in attacking the in tolerance and violence of Islam today.

With regard to the Jews, this argument ignores the fact that God used them as an instrument of His judgment against the tribes living in Canaan — just as He later used the Assyrians and Chal deans to judge the Jews (Genesis 15:16; Leviticus 18:24-25; Deuteronomy 9:5). He never told the Jews to conquer the world for Him, and He provided them with precise instructions as to how they were to treat aliens who might wish to live among them. They were to be treated with dignity and were to be pro vided with justice (Leviticus 19:17, 33 and Deuteronomy 27:19). Even more, the Jews were commanded to love their neighbors as they loved themselves (Leviticus 19:18).

Regarding the Christian Crusades, they were an aberration in Christian history based upon perverted Catholic doctrine and not upon any biblical injunction. In contrast, the intolerance and violence that have characterized Islam throughout its history are firmly rooted in the Koran.

What a contrast all the ghastly commands of Muhammad are to the loving words of Jesus who told Christians:

“Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44).

“Whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also” (Matthew 5:39).

“Do not judge, lest you be judged” (Matthew 7:1).

“However you want people to treat you, so treat them” (Mat thew 7:12).

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39).

“This is my commandment that you love one another” (John 15:12, 17).

“Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).

And what a contrast it is between the admonition of Muhammad to conquer for Allah with the sword and Jesus’ exhortation to go forth in peace and appeal to people’s hearts through the preaching of the Gospel, relying on the persuasive power of God’s Holy Spirit.

The Imperialistic Nature of Islam

From its inception, Islam has been committed to what it calls jihad — a word mean ing holy war. The duty of Muslims is to subjugate or destroy “infidels” — the term the Koran uses for all non-believers.

In the Muslim viewpoint, the world is divided into two regions — those areas controlled by Islam, called Dar al-Islam (meaning the House of Islam) and those called Dar al-Harb (the House of War). The Koran commands Mus lims to fight non-Muslims until they exterminate all other religions, leaving Islam as the one and only religion in the world (Suras 2:193 and 8:39). Muhammad is quoted in the Hadith as saying, “I have been ordered to fight with the people until they say, none has the right to be worshiped but Allah” (Hadith 4:196).

Regarding terror, Allah orders Muslims to terrorize non-Muslims on his behalf: “Strike terror (into the hearts of ) the enemies of Allah and your enemies” (Sura 8:60). Allah then assures his followers that he will assist them: “I will instill terror into the hearts of unbelievers. Smite them above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them. It is not you who slay them, it is Allah” (Sura 8:12, 17).

Concerning jihad,14 the Koran guarantees Paradise to those who fight for Allah (Sura 4:74). It promises instant Paradise for those who die in battle (Suras 9:111 and 47:5-6). Dying for Allah is presented as better than living: “And if you are killed or die in the Way of Allah, forgiveness and mercy from Allah are far better than all that others may amass [of worldly wealth]” (Sura 3:157).

Martyrs are promised a sensual and luxurious life in Paradise (Sura 52:17-22). According to Al-Ghazzali, one of Islam’s greatest teachers, when a martyr reaches Paradise, he “will marry 500 companions, 4,000 virgins, and 8,000 divorced women.”15 Commenting on this statement, Randall Price, biblical teacher and Middle East expert, observed that the Islamic Paradise is “just the kind of place that adolescent, unmarried men, isolated through their lives from the opposite sex by rigid cultural standards, would die for.”16

Islamic Sermons

The murderous imperialistic nature of Islam is clearly revealed in the sermons delivered weekly throughout the Muslim world. Consider the following excerpt from a sermon by Sheikh Ibrahim Madhi that was broadcast live over Palestinian television on June 8, 2001. Referring to a suicide bombing in Tel Aviv that had killed 21 Israeli teenagers the week before, he praised the terror ists:17 “Blessings to whoever waged jihad for the sake of Allah. Blessings to whoever raided for the sake of Allah. Blessings to whoever put a belt of explosives on his body, or on his son’s body, and plunged into the midst of the Jews, crying, ‘Allahu Akbar!’ Praise to Allah!”

Then he expressed the imperialistic aims of Islam by issuing warnings to nations that would be “erased:” “Allah is almighty . . . We must prepare the ground for the army of Allah that is coming ac cording to [divine] predestination. We must prepare a foothold for them. Allah is willing for this unjust state of Israel to be erased. The unjust state, the United States, will be erased. The unjust state, Britain, will be erased.”

A similar sermon was delivered the previous year on October 13, 2000, by Dr. Ahmad Abu Halabiya.18 It too was carried live on Palestinian television. He proclaimed that the true terrorists are the Jews “who must be butchered and killed, as Allah the Almighty has said.” He called for Muslims to have no mercy on the Jews: “Fight them wherever you are. Wherever you meet them, kill them, . . . and kill those Americans who are like them — who stand by them.” As an incentive to carry out these murderous exhortations, the cleric added: “O brothers in belief, the beautiful bride has a costly price and dowry . . . Our bride is Paradise. O brothers in belief . . . the cost of the dowry of this bride . . . is that we fight in the path of Allah, and kill and be killed.”

Keep in mind that these are quotes from sermons! Can you imagine a Jewish rabbi or a Christian minister urging their congregations to go out and kill a Muslim for God?

Fundamentalist Goals

The Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran was the modern day Islamic spokesman who revived Muhammad’s vision of world con quest. He taught that the re-establishment of Israel was a Satanic miracle allowed by Allah because of the lukewarmness of the Muslim masses. He called for a renewal of true Islam to accomplish three purposes:19

To overthrow the “secular” rulers of Islamic countries (like Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, and Egypt), just as he had done in Iran.

To take back the land of Palestine for Allah, exterminating Israel in the process.

To conquer the rest of the world for Allah. Notice the first priority was the transformation of secular Islamic countries into religious states ruled by the Koran. Then would come Israel and the world.

In a proclamation made by Osama bin Laden in 1998, he listed the same goals and prioritized them in the same order.20 He then identified the United States as the prime obstacle to the achievement of these goals. Accordingly, he called on Muslims everywhere “to comply with Allah’s order to kill the Americans and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it.”

It is important to note that the eradication of Israel is not the top priority. Nor is Israel viewed as the major obstacle to world conquest. I emphasize this because many Americans are saying that the key to winning the war against terrorism is to dump Israel. More and more, on radio talk shows, I hear people saying, “Let’s cut Israel loose. Let the Arabs have it. Then they will leave us alone.”

That is utter nonsense. Israel is not the cause of Islamic terrorism toward the West. If Israel were to disappear tomorrow, Fundamentalist Islam would still be determined to destroy America as part of its plan to take the world for Allah. And if we were to abandon Israel, the Muslim world would interpret it as an act of cowardice, proving our word is meaningless and that we truly are, as they say, “a depraved society devoid of values.” Our abandonment of Israel would only whet their appetite. Islamic Fundamentalism cannot be appeased. It must be de feated.

Answering Questions

I want to conclude by answering the questions we began with:

Are Muslims the spiritual brothers and sisters of Christians and Jews? No, they have been deceived by a Satanic, false religion.

Do we all worship the same God? Absolutely not. The god of Islam is a false god. He is really Satan in disguise.

Are the Islamic holy scriptures, known as the Koran, inspired by God? Not the God of the Bible. The Islamic scrip tures are a jumbled mess of contradictory statements that are unscientific, unhistorical, and unbiblical.

Is Islam another path to God by which one can obtain eternal life? No! Muslims reject Jesus as Messiah and deny His atoning sacrifice. Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me” (John 14:6).

Are the Islamic Fundamentalists representative of true Islam, or have they hijacked a peace-loving religion? There is no doubt they represent the true heart of Islam. Islam is a cultural, intolerant, militant and imperialistic religion of the sword.

Is our war really a political one against terrorism, or is it a spiritual one against a demonic religion known as Islam? Based upon the evidence I have presented from the Koran and from history, I think the answer is obvious. We are not engaged in a war against terrorism. Terrorism is a means, not the source of the struggle. Terrorism is a tool of those waging the war. To say this is a war against terrorism is equivalent to saying World War II was a war against U-Boats, V2 Rockets and Kamikaze planes. No, World War II was a war against Fascism. The current war is one against Islamic Fundamentalism.

But even more substantive, it is a spiritual war against the forces of Satan.

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