By Gadi Adelman
The greatest threat we face today is not the economy. It is not our unemployment. Throughout history our country has endured recessions and even a depression, yet throughout history, we have always come back from those bad economic times.
The greatest threat we face today is the threat of those that want to make Sharia, Islamic law, the law of the land.
Before we can combat anything, let alone defeat it, we must first understand it. Let me make something very clear from the outset. I have been studying terrorism for over 35 years; I did not set out to become an expert on Islam or Sharia law. I wanted to learn about terrorism. My studies on the history of terrorism began with the Zealots and the Sicarii 5000 years ago and continued all the way to the 21 Century. Throughout history there have been many groups, cultures and nations that have used terror, but one thing continued to be a repeating, defining factor, Islam. I could care a less if all terrorists are purple with pink polka dots, but the fact is, today, terrorists are by far Muslim and I speak and teach on fact.
I am not saying all Muslims are radical. I am saying there is no moderate Islam. There are plenty of Muslims who aren't actively furthering the cause of jihad. But that doesn't mean that there is a form of Islam that is peaceful and non-supremacist.
Islam is a political theocracy with a religion wrapped inside it.
Islam, that would be all “Muslims”, believe that all prophets from both the Old and New testaments were Muslim. This includes Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and even Jesus. Muslims believe that each and every person is born a Muslim and then the parents corrupt them with other religions or ideals.
The literal translation of Sharia is path or path to water. ‘Šar??at All?h’ (God’s Law), refers to the legal framework within which the public and private aspects of life are regulated for those living in a legal system based on Islamic principles of jurisprudence and for Muslims living outside the domain. Sharia deals with all aspects of day-to-day life, including politics, economics, banking, business, contracts, family, sexuality, hygiene, and social issues. Muslims do not believe in man-made laws. All laws come from Allah as is in the Sharia.
Before we can understand Islam or Sharia law, we need to answer one very important question. Why? Why do they hate us? What did we do to offend the Muslim world? The reality is that Islamic radicalism started rising in 1928. In 1928 the Muslim brotherhood, the oldest Islamic terrorist organization in the world was founded in Egypt. In 1928 we did not even have a foreign policy that was in support of Israel, because Israel was not even in existence. People believe it is because of our support for Israel, Bush’s Foreign policies and we’re on Arab soil. This is false; one only has to look at the formation of radical Islam. So if isn’t our foreign policy or our support for Israel, what is it? Why was the Muslim Brotherhood formed in 1928? In order to understand it you have to understand the history of Islam. You have to understand the life of the prophet Mohammed and his teachings; you have to understand the books of the Quran, the Hadith, and the Sura. Unfortunately most people don’t understand the religion. You’d be hard pressed to get someone to read the bible, let alone the Quran.
The Islamic Empire, also known as the Ottoman Empire ended between 1922 and 1924. 1924 is also when the President of Turkey, President Ataturk gave women the right to vote after he became President, he gave women the right not to wear the Hijab, he gave women the right to get an education, he gave women the right to marry who they want and how they want to live their lives. The Muslims throughout the world called him the “Jewish Agent” because they believed his mother was Jewish and that was what influenced his life. So, the Islamic Empire ended in 1924, less than 100 years ago. Most people do not know history; they think of WWII as ancient history.
After Ataturk ended the Islamic Empire, only 5 years later a group of Muslims in Egypt, were feeling so humiliated, how could Judaism and Christianity liberate itself from Islam? After all, Islam is superior to all other religions, after all Muslims are superior to all other people; they founded the Muslim Brotherhood in 1928 to bring back the Islamic Empire. That is what started Radical Islam on the rise.
The Muslim Brotherhood today is the oldest terrorist organization in the world with over 70 offshoot terror organizations including al-Qaida and Hamas. The second in charge of al-Qaida, Amin al Zawahiri was one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt before he joined al-Qaida. This is what most people don’t realize, they think, oh, if we just eliminate al-Qaida all of our problems are going to be solved. Our problem is not going to be solved, because our problem is a radical Islamic ideology wrapped in religion that is rising all over the world to bring back an Islamic Empire that was intolerant of all other people and that is what we are truly fighting today.
The MB is so organized and focused that in 1982 the MB wrote a plan, a 100 year plan to infiltrate and dominate the west and establish an Islamic government on earth. In the counter terrorism circles this plan is known as the “project”. What makes the project so concerning is because it gives tactics and proposals for the MB and different Islamic organizations as to how to infiltrate the west and how to establish an Islamic government on earth, part of their plan is how to get democratically elected Muslims on all levels of government in the west in order to influence policy and advance Islam. They talk about how to set up different Islamic organizations, human rights organizations, and civil rights organizations in order to advance Islam in the west. They talk about how to maintain the appearance of moderation in order to advance Islam in the west, they talk about how to work with like-minded organizations, progressive organizations that share similar goals and this is why we see for example the ACLU working with CAIR (Council on American and Islamic Relations) The ACLU is being used by groups like CAIR who are basically the propaganda arm of Hamas in the US, in order to advance Islam in the US.
This is the MB document, the “project” that was submitted into evidence in Dallas, TX in the Holy Land Foundation trial from 2007, 2008. On the last page is a list of all the organizations that would be working in the US as an arm of the MB, it lists 29 different organizations which include the ISNA (the Islamic Society of North America) and The MSA (the Muslim Student Association), to give you an example, the MSA has more chapters on American College campuses then the Democratic and Republican parties combined.
The Motto of the Muslim Brotherhood is:
- Allah is our objective.
- The Prophet is our leader.
- Qur'an is our law.
- Jihad is our way.
- Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.
The Muslim Brotherhood own statement “the MB must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all other religions. It is a Muslim’s destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is…
Yes, The MB, the organization that our own government just recognized in June of this year.
Our government has been infiltrated along with the Pentagon, the FBI, the CIA, the State Department, including the White House. This is not my opinion, but fact stated by many others including Islamic Imams and scholars.
At his very hour, ten years ago today, Flights 11 and 175 had already hit the towers and the towers along with those inside became rubble and ash leaving 2606 dead at the WTC, 87 dead on AA flight 11 and 60 dead on United flight 175.
AA Flight 77 had already crashed in to the Pentagon leaving 125 dead along with 59 dead on the plane.
United 93 had gone down in Shanksville PA leaving 40 dead, total number of those murdered was 2977. 9/11 was not a tragedy, it was an act of war.
I came back to the U.S. From Israel in 1981, long before most people had ever heard the words "Jihad", "Sharia" and for many, even the word "Islam".
During that same year while interviewing with FBI, the interviewer laughed at the objective on my resume;
Short term objective: to secure employment in law enforcement
Long term objective: to specialize in anti-terrorism
While laughing he said to me,
"This is America, we don't have terrorism!"
I told him to wait ten years and remember the word "Jihad".
I was only off by two years, not bad for off the top of my head, the 1993 World Trade Center bombing was the first real Islamic terrorism to come to the shores of America.
It was obvious to me that sooner, rather than later, America would be just another statistic in the long list of countries to experience terrorism, but I had no idea that the scale of one planned attack would be so severe and devastating. Unfortunately, neither did those tasked with our National security.
Since 9/11/2001 I have written many an article and given many a lecture on our national security, creeping Sharia, terror cells within the U.S. and the overall politically correct climate that concerns all the afore mentioned.
What is most depressing is that we as a nation have not gone forward in combating any of these things; we have, if anything, gone backwards.
Week in and week out I write about anti-Semitism being on the rise not only here in America, but throughout the world while the Muslims scream they are the victims.
Yes, somehow, the Muslims are always the victims now; it probably would be a case where they scream “Islamophobia” such as in the recent case at the Playland Park in NY over a safety rule that prevented Muslim women from going on some of the rides while wearing their religious head scarves. Hello? Do we need to draw you a picture of what can happen if your head scarf gets hung up while on a ride such as a roller coaster?
Israel, our only true ally in the Middle East has been shunned by the current administration. Also, let’s not forget how Obama has told Israel they need to go back to the indefensible 1949 (not the 1967) lines in order to appease the so called Palestinians.
The gaping whole known as our southern borders have become a free entrance to anyone wanting to do us harm with border patrol officials admitting that only one in five are caught.
A 2006 congressional report on border threats, titled "A Line in the Sand: Confronting the Threat at the Southwest Border", was prepared by the House Committee on Homeland Security Subcommittee on Investigations, it indicated that illegals are coming in from Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria, Yemen along with members of Hezbollah.
The mosque at ground zero is still a go; of course that is not its name. It will be known as the "Cordoba mosque", no, wait it changed to the "Cordoba house", no, wait it changed to a civic center, no a cultural center, no, now it’s going to be called "Park 51".
It sounds less intrusive that way and of course, it's much more PC to call it the Park 51 Cultural Center, then a mosque, after all, a mosque is where all 19 hijackers were indoctrinated and heard the Jihad rant of “death to America”.
Sharia courts have sprung up in Texas and Christians have been arrested in Dearborn, MI for... Being Christians.
Many states have attempted to pass laws outlawing or banning the use of Sharia law when judges decide cases in their states, but of course as we all know Sharia can't happen here because it is incompatible with our Constitution.
However, for some reason, even though it can never ever happen here and Muslim organizations such as CAIR keep reassuring us of that, they file suit each and every time to make sure these laws never see the light of day.
Honor killings not only continue to happen, but are downgraded from first degree murder and yes, in one case even ruled a suicide. Darn that Fatima Abdullah for banging her head on a coffee table until she was dead.
A Muslim woman that was raped, imprisoned, and assaulted by her Muslim husband, who admitted to all this, was heard and decided upon in New Jersey Superior Court, the Judge who found the husband "not guilty" stated as follows,
“This court does not feel that, under the circumstances, that this defendant had a criminal desire to or intent to sexually assault or to sexually contact the plaintiff when he did. The court believes that he was operating under his belief that it is, as the husband, his desire to have sex when and whether he wanted to, was something that was consistent with his practices and it was something that was not prohibited.”
Luckily, this case was overturned by the appellate court, with the appellate court saying,
"…the Judge was mistaken". Really? Mistaken?
Currently there are at least 35 known camps in the U.S. that are actively teaching jihad ideology and paramilitary training. Terror camps within our own borders. To quote my friend and colleague Erick Stakelbeck, from his book “The Terrorist Next Door” page 71,
“Muslims of America, according to a 2006 Department of Justice report, has some 3000 members nationwide and operates up to 35 such compounds in rural areas across 19 states, including Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas.”
Hundreds of mosques throughout the U.S. are teaching that same anti-American jihad ideology as documented throughout the entire book “Muslim Mafia” by Dave Gaubatz. Investigators worked undercover for two years, some of whom even worked within CAIR headquarters as interns to bring forth proof of what mosques and Muslim Organizations in the U.S. are accomplishing in their fight to Islamize America right under our politically correct noses.
What’s more is that the number of mosques in the U.S. has more than doubled in the last ten years. What exactly is being preached inside these buildings that are part of the “religion of peace”?
As of today there have been 17,720 deadly terrorist acts all in the name of “Allah” or “the religion of peace” since September 11, 2001.
The TSA (Transportation Security Administration) has spent billions of dollars to create beautiful window dressings to make the flying public feel safe while in reality we are less safe than prior to 9/11 according to pilots as well as security experts. In the article also by Dave Gaubatz, “A Retired Airline Pilot Speaks Out on Airline Security,” a pilot interviewed stated,
“In reality, our airlines are not safer for our families. They are more vulnerable to attack and infiltration than prior to 9/11.”
"Enhanced pat downs" have done more for late night comedians than for the traveling public. Two weeks ago I flew out of LaGuardia airport in New York and went through nothing more than a basic metal detector, no pat down, no backscatter scanners, and no wand. On the other hand, people have accused TSA of molestation and sexual assault.
Recently an award winning chef admitted he had accidentally flown with four large knives in his carryon bag out of Chicago. In March TSA somehow missed a bag with three box cutters that fell out of a man’s carry on once he was on the plane and this past November, Adam Savage the host of Mythbusters reported that he accidentally managed to get 12 " razor blades through airport security. So much for that enhanced security.
In 2010 when Obama introduced his National Security Strategy the words “Radical Islam,”” terrorism” and “Jihadist” were removed from all national security documents and our administration said we are no longer at war with terrorists. John Brennan, the Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, and Assistant to the President stated,
“The President’s strategy is absolutely clear about the threat we face. Our enemy is not ‘terrorism’ because terrorism is but a tactic. Our enemy is not ‘terror’ because terror is a state of mind and as Americans we refuse to live in fear. Nor do we describe our enemy as ‘jihadists’ or ‘Islamists’ because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenant of Islam, meaning to purify oneself or one’s community, and there is nothing holy or legitimate or Islamic about murdering innocent men, women and children.”
Just after Nidal Hassan, the Fort Hood shooter, gunned down 13 fellow soldiers in cold blood while screaming “Allah Akbar” (14 actually died since 21 year old Francheska Velez was 3 months pregnant) President Obama was quicker to react to those calling the Foot Hood shooting terrorism than he is at picking up his golf clubs. He stated,
“We don't know all the answers yet and I would caution against jumping to conclusions until we have all the facts.”
The warning signs were blatantly ignored due to fear of repercussions and not being politically correct as now admitted by many who knew Nidal Hassan and his radical Islamic views. The NY Daily News reported in January 2010,
A senior White House official likened the failure to connect the dots on Hasan's erratic behavior and affinity for radical Islam to the intelligence breakdowns that led to the Christmas Day underwear bomber incident over Detroit.
I have stated since 9/11 over and over again that “political correctness would be the death of America”, it certainly was partially responsible for those that died at Foot Hood.
The Obama administration has had almost more “Muslim Outreach Programs” than Obama has had vacations. During one such program the FBI allowed a known Hamas operative into a six week program that included tours of top-secret areas of our National Counterterrorism Center, after that came to light, the FBI attempted to deny it ever happened.
Political correctness has all but done away with the word "God", and Allah forbid you so much as even think about saying a prayer at the tenth anniversary 9/11 Memorial service.
The Ground Zero Cross may not be allowed at the Memorial/museum either as there is a lawsuit trying to keep it from being there as explained by the Washington Post,
The group actually claims that its members are experiencing “dyspepsia [upset stomach], symptoms of depression, headaches, anxiety, and mental pain and anguish,” not from the devastating destruction of life caused by the terrorists on 9/11, but as a “direct and proximate result of the unconstitutional existence of the cross.” That’s not a line from a blog post, a press release, or a fundraising letter; that is the actual legal argument presented by the American Atheists in their complaint.
Yes we have come a long, long way in the last ten years; it makes me wonder what our money ten years from now will have printed on it, perhaps, “One nation under Allah”?