Monday, June 13, 2011

Islamic Ethics and the Golden Rule

By Trencherbone

In 1400, a Muslim army under Mohammed II seized the clty of Otrento in southern Italy. 0f the 22,000 lnhabltants captured by the Muslims, 12,000 were bound with ropes and tortured to death outside the city walls. The Muslims also killed all the Christian priests they could find. On a hill outside the city, still known as Martyr's Hill, they beheaded at least 8000 city folk who refused to convert to Islam, including the town's bishop. It took a year before the Muslim Invaders were driven out of Otranto, and when the Christian liberators found the beheaded bodies on the hill outside the town, they entombed the skeletons behind glass walls in the town cathedral, where they can still be seen to this day.

The Golden Rule or Ethic of Reciprocity is the basis of all religions apart from Islam (and maybe Satanism). It says 'Treat others as you would like to be treated' or 'That which is hateful to you, do not do to another'.

But in Islam, the 'Ethic of Reciprocity' applies only to Muslims. The nearest approximation to the Golden Rule is "None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself". In other words, share the booty equally with your fellow (male) Muslims.

In contrast, Allah encourages murderrapepillageextortion,parasitism and enslavement of non-Muslims, who are 'najis' subhumans to be treated as expendable garbage. Reciprocity does not extend beyond the global gang (Ummah). Muslim ethics are the ethics of the Mafia.

Islam is not about following one's conscience, but about correct behavior. If one imitates the behaviors of Mohammed (The Perfect Man), then one has done all that is required to be a good Muslim. Hence ethical principles, as we understand them, are not a part of Islam.

For the devout Muslim, there is no place for compassion or empathy; only robotic behavior patterns programmed by a long-dead psychopath. There is no morality to be had in Islam and consequently no possibility of the Golden Rule or any other higher ethical principles. There is nothing apart from a huge number of prescribed regulations which must be obsessively and compulsively observed.

Islam and the Golden Rule

"The Quran is a book of double standards. Indeed there are exhortations to Muslims to be kind to the poor, the traveler, the orphan and the sick. This is to be expected. If you want to start a religion you must preach something good or you’d not find anyone to believe you. You cannot preach only evil. In order to attract followers you must teach things that people like and can easily identify as good. Once they accept you as a prophet, guru or their spiritual guide, then you can do whatever you want and get away with it.

The difference between a true spiritual teacher and a conman is in their consistency. There are several teachings of Muhammad that can be compared to those of Jesus, but the teachings of Jesus are consistent while those of Muhammad are not.

Good words are dime a dozen. If they are not accompanied by good actions they are worthless. In fact the difference between a great man and a conman is in how much their word and deed differ. [...] Demagogy is the domain of all charlatans and they are good at it.

We find similar good exhortations in the teachings of Jim Jones who actually based his religion on “social justice”. He even adopted children from many races to set the example.

The problem with the good teachings of Muhammad is that they are reserved for fellow Muslims. When the hadith says “None of you [truly] believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself,.” it is talking about the fellow Muslims.

The brotherhood in Islam does not extend to everyone. The Quran (9:23) states that the believers should not take for friends and protectors (awlia) their fathers and brothers if they love Infidelity above Islam. In fact there are many verses that tell the Muslims to kill the unbelievers and be harsh to them. A clear example that Islam is not based on the Golden Rule is the verse (48:29): “Muhammad is the messenger of Allah; and those who are with him are strong against Unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other.” This is the perfect definition of fascism.

There are many other verses that show the brotherhood in Islam is not universal. The non believers have no rights and should not be treated in the same way that Muslims are to be treated. The entire Quran is a breach of the Golden Rule. The Quran tells Muslims to slay the unbelievers wherever they find them (2:191), do not befriend them (3:28), fight them and show them harshness (9:123), smite their heads (47:4), etc. Are these verses compatible with the Golden Rule?

Islam is the only doctrine that calls upon its believers to do evil to others for the simple fact that they are not believers.

According to Muslims it is not the Golden Rule that defines the good and bad, it is Muhammad who does it. They believe that what is good for Islam is the highest virtue and what is bad for Islam is the ultimate evil. This is the definition of good and evil in Islam. "


No ethics in Islam

"Muslim terrorists pride themselves on their amorality. On having no individual sense of right or wrong, only the abstract codes of Islamic law that can be modified at will to allow terrorists to do virtually anything to anyone, so long as it is in the name of the Jihad.

The atrocities of Jihadists around the world, whether it is beheading schoolgirls or contractors, murdering teachers, blowing up buses, murdering babies, torturing hostages to death or blowing themselves up in cafes; is not simply about achieving a tactical goal. In most cases there is no practical goal to be achieved through these acts except terror. And that is the point. The goal of terrorism is terror, to intimidate your enemies through monstrous and inhuman acts. And Muslim terrorists pride themselves on being monsters, on transforming themselves into creatures capable of the worst bestial acts, culminating in the ritual of human sacrifice that has become so vital to the cult of death that is Islam's Jihad, the suicide bombing.

By contrast Muslim terrorists sneer at the human weaknesses of their enemies, their genuine love for their families and their fear for their safety, their love of life and their willingness to show mercy and to trust. And Muslim terrorists and infiltrators are the first to take advantage, to play on and exploit these qualities. Qualities which they themselves only mime. A true committed Islamist will show love or concern for his family, mercy or trust for non-Muslims only as a propaganda ploy. This ploy will be set aside in seconds when it suits him. The father who moments ago was bewailing his wounded child, will grab and use him as a human shield. He will plunge a knife into the neck of his Western friend and co-worker who has been at his house dozens of times and played with his children. He will feel nothing while doing it, only a sense of triumph and pride in his devotion to Islam.

All this has happened over and over again, and will go on happening, because Islamists are taught and trained to only have one love and one passion, Islam. Any human attachments are purely secondary and easily discarded. Any human concepts of guilt or morality are buried.

Islamic law frees the terrorist from all human norms. He may kill, rob or rape. He may take on any disguise, drink alcohol, curse and commit every act explicitly prohibited by the Koran or the Hadiths. He can indulge his appetites in every way, so long as in exchange he is willing to kill and die in the name of the Jihad. That is the devil's bargain that forges an active Islamic terrorist, an amoral cunning entity who has only one ultimate goal, to corrupt, divide and kill the enemies of Allah.

It is vitally important that we understand this because every sign of human weakness we show to Islamic terrorists is exactly like cutting our arms and lowering them into shark infested waters. The Jihad thrives on human weakness, because its acolytes are militarily incompetent, but compensate for it in sheer ruthlessness. Mohammed did not turn his combination of desert hallucinations and shameless plagiarisms into a dominant religion by legitimately defeating his enemies. He used lies, deceit, treachery, false promises, terror and banditry to win his way to the top, in a region already excelling in lies, deceit and treachery. Modern day Muslims are his inheritors in that regard." More at

Clones of the original psychopath Mohammed

The article claims that the end result of Islamist indoctrination is to turn the jihadist into a psychopathic clone of the original psychopath Mohammed. In doing so, it destroys all conscience and capacity for individual thought, producing a 'mobotic' killing machine...

"To understand what makes Muslims tick, you need to understand how utterly slavishly they imitate the founder of their death-cult, the charlatan and false prophet Mohammed.

Mohammed was a terrorist, murderer, sadist, rapist, pedophile, slaver, robber, extortionist, control-freak, liar and charlatan. Okay, so nobody's perfect. But that unfortunately is the problem. Muslims are brainwashed from infancy into believing that Mohammed was indeed the perfect man, 'al-insan al-kamil and uswa hasana' the model of behavior for all those wishing to be obedient to Allah.

So to be a good Muslim is to be a robotic clone of the original founder of the the cult, whom you must emulate in every way, and in the process destroy your own individuality, judgement and conscience. Muslims try to ape Mohammed's behavior down to the tiniest details. For example, one of the Four Imams, Abmad ibn Hanbal, was a great Traditionalist. It is stated that he would not eat water-melons because, although he knew that the 'Prophet' ate them, he could not learn whether the 'Prophet' ate them with or without the rind, or whether he broke, bit or cut them.

Islam is not about right and wrong thinking but correct behaviour. If one imitates the behaviours of Mohammed, then one is observant and submissive. Morality is not a part of Islam. If there is a more fundamental difference between Islam and all other creeds and religions I do not know of it. It is so alien that the reader will have to consider its implications for some time to grasp the full meaning of it.


For the devout Muslim there is no place for conscience, compassion or empathy, only mobotic behavior patterns programmed by a long-dead psychopath. There is no morality to be had in Islam. There is consequently no Golden Rule ('Do not do to another that which would be hurtful to you') or any other higher ethical principles. There is nothing apart from a huge number of prescribed regulations which must be obsessively and compulsively observed. Hence the lack of originality and creativity in the Muslim world. The Ummah has effectively only one brain for 1.2 billion people and that brain belongs to Mohammed.

The muslim has no need for a conscience, because Mohammed's example determines what is right or wrong. If he wants to rape a nine year old girl or slaughter a few hundred kuffar then he will not be bothered by a guilty conscience, because the 'perfect man' has set the precedents.


Islam produces swarms of mobotic clones programmed to emulate a seventh century psychopath. "It is so alien that the reader will have to consider its implications for some time to grasp the full meaning of it. "

Full article at

Rape and pedophilia OK, especially against kuffars

Of course every culture produces rapists and child molesters, but in non-Muslim societies these are usually isolated loners. In contrast, Muslim rapists and pedophiles are well-organised and these predators often hunt their prey in rape-gangs in a tradition of Muslim razzia going back to the 'prophet'.

The reason for this cultural difference is that pedophilia and rape are abhorrent in civilised societies, but are socially acceptable to Muslim communities because the perps are dutifully following Mohammed's example. And Mohammed is the 'Perfect Man'. Kuffar women and children (uncovered meat) are there for the taking.
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