Monday, October 28, 2013

Islam: Against All Mankind

By Cherson & Molschky

When Islam’s prophet Muhammad, the very first Muslim immigrant, arrived at Yathrib, or Medina, he and his followers began military preparations and partook in a series of attacks, over 100 in one year. But against whom were all those preparations?

The answer was given by Muhammad himself: against all non-Muslims. And since then nothing changed; Islamic immigration is aimed against all non-Muslims in the host countries, with the final goal of converting them into countries ruled by Islam.

Muhammad planned his immigration like a military campaign, carefully eliminating any chance of error. And he had good reasons; his situation in Mecca became perilous. Of course, the wealth he inherited after his wife Khadija’s death was with him, and this wealth was enormous; the monthly business turnover of Khadija’s business was equivalent to a whole year’s balance for the entire tribe of Quraish. But after Khadija and his uncle Abu Talib died in 620, Muhammad lost the political protection and became very vulnerable for the attacks of his enemies. Those enemies were practically all the Quraish tribe whom he deeply insulted by the continuous and fierce attacks of their gods. The situation was aggravated by the fact that all the tribal leaders of the near-by towns Muhammad tried to approach seeking refuge and protection from Quraish turned him down.

Finally, he decided to run to an oasis town, Ta’if, situated some 40 miles from Mecca. Together with his adopted son he arrived to Ta’if, but evidently, “the local muscle” he boughtwas not strong enough, and the citizens of the town chased him out in a very “undemocratic” manner; Muhammad was hounded and beaten. Besides, they informed Quraish about Muhammad’s attempt. By the time he reached Mecca, the news had preceded him, and he did not dare enter Mecca for fear of his life. Instead, he contacted one of the members of the board of elders of Mecca, Mutaeam bin Adi, asking him for help. And he got it!

Why a pagan Mutaeam bin Adi all of a sudden decided to give his protection to the Muslim Muhammad who was hated by all the Quraish could be a theme for a separate investigation, but the sources carefully mention that there were benefits on both sides. Putting it simple, Muhammad  bought protection of the local Quraish leader- and that let him stay in Mecca for some more time. But Muhammad understood that this time was quickly running out and that the second failure could be the last one.

In 620 CE, six men of the Yathrib Arab pagan tribe Aws arrived to Mecca to seek an alliance against another Arab tribe of Yathrib: Khazraj. Muhammad did a wonderful job of convincing them against this alliance and making them his allies instead (for more details, see “Muhammad, The First Muslim Immigrant, Part 2: Buying Off The Local Muscle.”) The enemy was very clearly defined: those who had to be attacked and destroyed were Jews, Christians and the people of his own tribe Quraish. The idea was received with enthusiasm. Yathrib was founded by Jews, and at that time was a Jewish city. There were three very rich and powerful Jewish tribes there. Another part of the citizens of Yathrib was formed by pagan Arabs of two bitterly rivalling tribes, Aws and Khazraj. Arabs dreamed about snatching the rule from the Jews, but they did not have either money or enough military strength to throw an open challenge to them. Besides, Aws and Khazraj were constantly fighting each other, and Jews skilfully supported this or that side depending on the current situation.

Muhammad offered to both Aws and Khazraj something they could only dream about.

In 621, already 12 local Arab leaders from Yathrib: six from Aws and six from Khazraj, arrived to Mecca and made the first pledge of loyalty to Muhammad. This is known as the “First Pledge of Aqaba.”

In 622, Mecca saw already 75 tribal leaders of both Aws and Khazraj coming to have a talk with Muhammad. They made a “Second Pledge of Aqaba”, and it was decided that Muhammad and his followers would be welcomed to Medina. From the beginning it was clear to all that the pledge was an Alliance of War. When Muhammad’s uncle Abbas bin Abdel Muttalib asked Aws and Khazraj leaders if they knew and understood what they were supporting and what they pledged their alliance for, they all answered affirmatively, confirming they knew they pledged the alliance to fight against all mankind. I am not exaggerating, the answer was exactly this: AGAINST ALL MANKIND.

Ishaq:204/TabariVI:134  Abbas the uncle of the Prophet said: ’Men of the Khazraj, do you know what you are pledging yourselves to in swearing allegiance to this man?’

‘Yes,’ they answered. In swearing allegiance to him we are pledging ourselves to wage war against all mankind.’  

The first target of course were the “red” and “black”, nicknames used for Jews and unbelievers of Mecca, i.e. Quraish and all other pagan Arab tribes. But one of the Aws leaders, Abu Haitham, wishing to make the situation absolutely clear, asked Muhammad a question:

Oh Apostle of Allah, between us and Jews are ropes (meaning links, ties) and we are about to cut those and if we do that, then we might have disobeyed being in breach of our own agreement with them and so Allah may show you to come back to your people? 

Arab leaders of Yathrib understood  that they were going to cut the links with Jews, and they also understood that if something went wrong, Muhammad could find attractive the idea of returning back to Mecca, leaving to them the broken relationships both with Jews and with Quraish for having given Muhammad a refuge in their city.

Muhammad calmed Yathrib leaders with a very short and clear answer:

“Blood, blood and destruction, destruction!”

After that, the Yathrib Arab leaders lost any doubts about the true fate Muhammad prepared for Jews and Quraish: they were going to be annihilated.

The very point on which the alliance was made was the war against all enemies of Allah (and of Muhammad of course), until their total extermination or submission. 

Tabari VI:133 “We pledge our allegiance to you and we shall defend you as we would our womenfolk. Administer the oath of allegiance to us, Messenger of Allah, for we are men of war possessing weapons and coats of armour.” 

Ishaq:208  “When Allah gave permission to his Apostle to fight, the second Aqabah contained conditions involving war which were not in the first act of submission. Now we bound ourselves to war against all mankind for Allah and His Apostle. He promised us a reward in Paradise for faithful service. We pledged ourselves to war in complete obedience to Muhammad no matter how evil the circumstances.”  

Tabari VI:138 “Those present at the oath of Aqabah had sworn an allegiance to Muhammad. It was a pledge of war against all men. Allah had ordered fighting.”

Muslim migration was ultimately a conquest. Its goal was to establish an Islamic State ruled by Shari’a laws, and all non-Muslims had to be either subdued or annihilated.

Muslim immigrants individually can be – and many of them are- very good people, polite, hospitable and nice. But Muslim immigration is a death threat to the native population of any country that was stupid (if you wish, you can use the term “politically correct”) enough to accept it.

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